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I must say every time I look at how many votes and comments each chapter gets I freak out. Thank yall so much! Enjoy the new chap.

Bluebell’s P.O.V.

            I rubbed my temples ready to beat my head in as I watched werewolves running in every single direction around me. I had no idea how I was going to run this pack one day. This wasn’t even the whole pack and their first day at school. A couple of young werewolves rushed past nodding in respect before dashing into the kitchen to get their lunches. I flopped down on the couch next to Basil who pat my shoulder comfortingly.

            “It will get better.”

            I just wish we were at home.

            “You call that place home?” He asked surprised. Right now we were currently all stuffed into another house on Phoenix street. It wasn’t larger than our first house, it was more on the same scale but it wasn’t big enough for a whole pack for sure.

            It’s better than this place. I think we should stay there and let the pack stay here.

            “Yeah and have the ghosts try to kill us again. The only good thing about that place is that wolves can’t get in when the gate is closed. Since, we are now currently in a pack, though I’m not a wolf, the fact that the fence is wolf proof is not a good thing.”

            The ghosts have only tried to kill me once. Other than that they’ve just been scaring all of you. I think I should just ask the trees. If they know then we may be able to fix it so the ghosts aren’t mad at us anymore.

            Basil rolled his eyes and gave me a stern look. “Bluebell, leave the ghosts alone. Right now we all need to focus on this pack thing and the mate thing with Troy. There’s a lot more to worry about than a haunted house.”

            Ok fine. I’ll focus on the pack. Right now the pack had ten minutes to finish getting ready though.

            Basil looked at the time and jumped off the couch running to the room he shared with Ash and three other wolves. Pretty much every room was filled with bunk beds at the moment. I was sharing with Cypress and Daffodil and two other girls. We were so cramped together we spent no time in the room unless we needed clothes or to sleep. Two wolves, a human, a dryad, and a child in one room was not a good idea at all but we were making it work.

            We’d been preparing all week to get the pack settled into the house and ready to start school in Rain Ridge. There had been a lot of protest and questioning to why we were moving into another pack’s territory. Grandpa and I decided it was best to keep the fact that one day the two packs would most likely merge with the whole mate thing under wraps for awhile. If the pack found out they would want to get the merge over with. Not to mention denying your mate wasn’t exactly a good thing in the werewolf world apparently.

            I stood up off the couch and headed to my shared room. The other girls looked up and nodded respectfully before going back to their preparations. “Why does the whole pack suddenly have to join our schools at once?” Cypress asked lounging across my bed on the bottom bunk.

            The other wolves threw her looks and she stuck her tongue out at them. Loose the attitude Cypress. You are part of a pack now.

            “I’m no werewolf. I don’t have to be. I’m a third wolf, third dryad, third human, and apparently the human is dominant unless I magically going to turn into a ghost or a vampire or oh I don’t know maybe I’ll die and become a zombie.” Cypress said poison in her voice as she glared at the werewolf girls who all ignored her.

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