“True that” I giggled.

   We arrived at the restaurant, 30 minutes later, without Greg catching me. I wanted a break tonight even though we’re meant to be spending the month together; I was just so pissed at him. He knew of Ella and Lottie coming yesterday and he never thought to give me the heads up. Some friend he is and it just infuriated me. Gah, I doubt I’ll ever get over this hatred for him, no matter how badly I like him.

“So what you thinking so deeply about?” Adrian asked breaking me from my dream.

“Life, really” I answered truthfully.

“What about it?” He prodded.

“Like, how messed up things are with certain people and how distant I am from my family and how lonely I feel even though I have you guys, Katie and Greg, slightly” I mumbled.

“Elianna, your family will always be there no matter what. You can go home for a while, once exams are done because that’s when college is over, for two weeks. As for Laurie and I, we’ll always be here too; we aren’t leaving you all on your lonesome. Yeah, there’s times where we can’t stand each other but we stick together and get through it. Katie, on the other hand, well, what can I say about her? From what I know, she’s a bitch and a conniving bitch at that. I don’t know about Greg so I can’t judge too well on that but from what I can see, you like him, a lot. Considering what you went through with Declan, I can assume you’re scared but if you don’t try, you’ll never know” Adrian said.

“I know my family’s there; it’s just travelling to see them because they live on the other side of London, in the posh area. I live in the crap area, if I must say so. Everything with Greg is confusing like yesterday, for example, we both admitted to liking each other, a lot and then he just announced we were friends. I then kissed him the night before on the first, accidentally. However, I liked it. A lot. My lives so complicated and there’s no way to reiterate it. Like there are times where I just wanna shove Greg against a wall and just give him my virginity but I wanna wait as well,” I gushed out. Oops, just casually said too much.

“Honey, do what your heart tells you to do. Be you and that’s the most important thing you can do. If Greg doesn’t wanna tap that ass of yours, I would in a heartbeat but that’s impossible since I’m gay and have a crush on someone in particular,” Adrian said in this rather high-pitched mock accent.

“Honey, you’ll have no winky left by the time he’s done so prepare yourself but Elianna, Adrian’s right. You only have to be you and if Greg doesn’t wanna walk the walk after talking the talk then he can jog the hell on. He’s not needed. Now, tonight we aren’t going to be lonely old sods, we’re 18 and 19, we’re here to have fun not be grumpy so let’s order some early shots and let’s get this party on the road” Laurie exclaimed a little too loudly. People turned round to look at her and gave her the death glare. Uh, oh! She’s pissed off people already. This is gonna be fun to ignore, NOT!

Greg’s POV

I was bored without Elianna here. Like literally, I missed her shouting at me or doing something awkward to make me laugh. Some might call me crazy for only saying we were friends but I was scared. I was scared of hurting her and I was scared of doing something I’d regret. Yeah we both admitted to feeling like crazy for each other but I was scared afterwards. Scared she’d allow me to get too close and then just snap me off like a twig. Nothing ever goes easy in the love department for me and it sucks because I miss being in love, I miss having that one person to hold every night and to even just call someone mine. Seeing both Dan and Micky happy, hurts me because I know I’ll never have something like that. I’ll never be able to have that warmth of feeling eccentric. I’m probably being melodramatic but what I’m saying is true. Micky’s happily married with a child on the way and Dan’s in a wonderful stable relationship with a stepdaughter and here I am, a lonely old bimbat.

All Things Possible - District3 - Greg WestNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ