I slowly leaned forward, about to peer around the corner into the kitchen. Please be empty… I am so stupid!

“Whatcha doing?” I heard someone say obnoxiously and I jumped in terror, my heart pounding. I was about to make a run for it when the same person caught my wrist.

“Relax, love! It’s just me!” Niall assured me and I looked up into his blue eyes, relieved. That was close!

“You should try to look at who scares you so you know whether or not they are on your side our not…” he suggested and I rolled my eyes.

“You scared me! What am I supposed to do? Stop and waste time trying to see if you’re a good guy or a bad guy?” I retorted and he just shook his head before leading me into the living area.

“There you are! I thought that I told you to stay back by the door!” Harry exclaimed, running his hand through his curls as he walked into the room.

“Sorry! I was checking the kitchen and Niall snuck up on me,” I replied and Niall smirked.

“It wasn’t that big of an accomplishment!” I argued, punching his arm.

“Well, it would be if I were on the other team!” he replied and I scowled. I could have run out of the room and escaped…

“Just be more careful Rys,” Harry laughed, walking into the kitchen.

“Whatever you say… What should we do now?” I asked, Niall and me following behind.

“I don’t know. I mean, we have to make sure we know when the others are coming back. We should also make up some plans,” Niall said as he pulled a bag of crisps out of a cabinet.

“Yeah, we can do that. Did you guys bring the food up from the tour bus?” I asked, opening the fridge up to find it fully stocked.

“Yeah, we like having food around and didn’t want it to go to waste or anything,” Harry replied, taking a bite out of an apple.

“And I was kind of hoping that you would bake…” Niall continued hopefully, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

“I can do that. Do you two want to help?” I asked, moving about the kitchen, taking out baking supplies from the cupboards and fridge.

“Yeah! We haven’t baked in a while now,” Harry exclaimed happily as he got some bowls out of the cupboard. Wow, they must have brought those up too.

“Niall, check your phone and find out where the others are right now,” I said and he nodded quickly, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

“What are we going to bake?” Harry asked, looking at the cocoa powder that I had set down on the counter.

“We are going to make tiny fudge tarts!” I replied excitedly. They are my favourite pastry ever!

“What are those? I haven’t made them or heard of them,” Niall asked and Harry nodded in agreement.

“Well, the recipe is pretty old, but it is still tasty! They are basically little cookie tarts filled with a fudge filling and rolled in sugar. You’re going to love them!” I explained, starting to make the dough up.

“Okay, what do you want us to do then?” Harry asked, looking around the kitchen. I nodded and quickly put the cocoa powder and some other ingredients in a small saucepan before handing it to him.

“Well, you should make the filling for now. Go to the stove and heat this up. Don’t let it burn though,” I informed him and he nodded, taking the pot from me.

“Okay, Zayn is currently searching the pool area and he’s about to meet up Lou and Liam who are about to go search the city. Now, what should I be doing?” Niall asked, setting his phone down in the counter.

“Thanks for checking. I need you to go sprinkle flour over that table for the dough and then you need to fill this bowl with some sugar,” I replied, giving him the container of flour.

After I made the dough, I went over to the table that Niall had sprinkled with flour and threw the dough down. “You need to roll this out until it’s pretty thin and then tell me, alright?” I asked and he grinned at me before nodding.

“How is the filling doing, Harry?” I asked, walking over to the stove where he was stirring the filling.

“I think that it’s done. Here you go,” he replied, handing me the pot.

“Thanks. Go help Niall while I get this into a smaller bowl,” I said and he walked over to the table. I’m actually surprised that we haven’t made too big of a mess yet!

After putting the filling into a smaller bowl, I grabbed a butter knife and head over to the lads.

“That’s thin enough lads. Now, all you have to do is cut the dough into squares and then put a bit of filling on top of them. I’ll close them and put them on a baking sheet,” I informed them.

“You’re so bossy Rysnna!” Harry teased me, looking up and sticking his tongue out at me.

“Hey, at least you get to have some after they’re done!” I laughed. As we finished making the tarts, I kept checking Niall’s phone for texts from the others. I knew that we were being a bit risky, baking while the enemy is looking for us, but at least we are having fun! We best be careful though…


Hey! Did you like it? Who do you want her to end up with? What was your favourite part? COMMENT and VOTE! You guys are awesome! I update and almost immediately you read and even vote :D If I get at least 5 comments from different people, I'll make sure to update tomorrow :) Thank you for everything!!!

~T.Rysnna (Hazelle) 5.24.13 Please fan me,too!

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