"Yup. I got everything down. So today's Thursday and you want all of this to take place.........?"

"Eight o'clock on Saturday evening."

"Alright. See you then."

"Thanks Donovan. I owe you big time."

"No problem."

As Adrian walked out of Donovan's office and out of the restaurant he texted Joan:

Anniversary dinner=saturday @ 8!

Joan sent an immediate reply back:

:) see you at a.r. @ 8! :)

Adrian smiled as he walked to his car and drove away.


It was six o'clock in the morning when Pietro's phone rang.

"Hello?" he mumbled groggily.

"Hi," said a nervous voice at the other end.



"Why are you calling me at six A.M.?"

"I don't know. Sorry. Bye!"

"WAIT. Don't hang up."


"Why are you calling me?"

"I just wanted to say congrats on making so much progress."

"You told me that already."

"Do you wanna hang out?" Joan blurted.

"Sure. I'd love to."


"Yeah. How about Saturday at eight?"

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"That's my anniversary with Adrian. And speaking of, I do have a boyfriend, and this feels sorta wrong. So I'm sorry that I woke you up this early on a failed mission. I'll see you in class later."

"Okay. Bye Joan."

The phone clicked signaling that Joan had hung up.

"Ahhhhhhh. Adrian's a lucky bastard."


"Hey Alex. Are you ready?"

"Loretta, you know it."

"Where is he after school?"

"Room two nineteen."

As Alex and Loretta walked to the classroom all they could think about was their friend, and how they would SOOO murder Mr. De Luca if he hurt Joan.

"Hi Mr. De Luca!" said Loretta brightly.

"Hello Loretta. Oh, hello Alex." replied Pietro.

"Can we ask you a few questions?" asked Alex.


"Please sit." he did. The girls sat across from him. Alex kicked off the interrogation.

"How old are you?"

"Twenty eight."

"Where were you born?"

"New Mexico."

"Where in New Mexico?"


"How long were you there?"

"Until I moved here a couple of weeks ago."

"Why did you move here?"

"I got a job offer."

"Taking Mr. Vanzanna's place?"

"I didn't know that this was Aaron's teaching position. Besides, he got a job at the university in Cheyenne, right?"

"Don't act like you don't know. Did you know Mr. Vanzanna before you moved here?"

"Yeah. He's my best friend."

"He's a lot older than you. How are you two best friends?"

"He was my math tutor. I was, and still am, awful at math."

"Did you have a love interest here?"



"I am not at liberty to tell you ladies that." said Pietro as he began packing up to leave.

"It's Joan isn't it?" asked Loretta. Pietro stiffened for a moment then relaxed.

"No ladies," he laughed. "It's not Joan. That's illegal."

"Don't lie to us. We know that you kissed her. We also know that you're in love with her." said Alex.

"We never thought that Adrian was right for her. There's just something a little off about him. And now she's realizing that. She is falling for you. You fell for her." said Loretta. Pietro sighed in defeat.

"Be good to her." said Loretta quietly.

"If you ever do anything to hurt her. You'll have to answer to US. Then the law." said Alex quieter but slightly more menacing.

Both girls then walked out of the room. Pietro slumped on his desk chair. This had been an exhausting day.


"Ms. Carrington you would be an excellent assistant to Mr. Harvey."


"Yes. I submitted him your resume and he agrees wholeheartedly. Welcome to Channel One news."

"Thank you. Thank you sooo much. This is amazing. I won't let you down I promise."

The lady at the front desk smiled.

"We know that you won't. Be here next Monday at five thirty sharp."

"In the morning?"

The lady nodded. Joan looked a little white for a second. She wasn't used to less than six hours of sleep.

This is an amazing job. You WILL NOT let it pass you by. You only have to wake up an hour earlier. Which means going to bed a half hour earlier and a lot more Starbucks in the morning. Joan thought to herself. "Five thirty A.M. on Monday morning. See you then." she said with a smile. Joan and the lady then shook hands and Joan walked out of the news building. This was SO EXCITING!!!!!


Heyy everyone. I hoped that you enjoyed this chapter. Next chapter is gonna be REALLY, REALLY, REALLY juicy. :)

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