Your Fear Come to Life {Iceland}

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Gephyrophobia{fear of crossing a bridge}
"You're kidding right?" Emil gave you his dead panned stare. "You're going to walk all the way around so that you don't have to cross the bridge?"
You nodded you head quickly, "I'll see you in ten minutes." He grumbled something and then all of a sudden he hauled you over his shoulder and proceeded to walk over the small bridge connecting the two land masses over the stream of water. You began to kick and flail around in his grasp but to no avail. Eventually he had crossed and set you down.
"See," he said, "that wasn't to hard." You just whimpered and nodded your head. He gave you a confused look before something crossed his face,"are you......afraid of bridges?" You nodded your head again and before you could say anything, you were pulled to his chest, "I'm sorry (y/n). I didn't even know." You shrugged, "it's a silly fear for someone my age to have." He looked you in the eyes, "Everyone has fears. You're not being fair to yourself if you tell yourself you're being childish for being scared of something."
I smiled and nodded, glad that he understood.

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