You go to the beach

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{Spain, Denmark, Prussia, England}


Antonio had asked you to go to the beach with him, Francis, and Gilbert. You agreed but you had one condition: you would go into the water on your own terms.

Yeah; that didn't happen.

Currently, you were laying on your towel reading 'A Tale of Two Cities,' but was brought back to reality when 'keskeskes' and 'honhonhon' was all you could hear.

They were practically breathing down your neck.

You shrieked as they picked you up and then proceeded to dump you into the ocean.

The cold ocean.

You came up a sputtering mess, your glare turning menacing when you saw your book floating in the water.

They paled and took off, you not far behind.


You were watching your favorite show when someone started pounding on your door. After a couple of seconds, you realized they weren't going to give up, so you opened it just to have Matthias smack you in the face. He stared at you, as if not totally understanding what just happened but you decided to speak, "what brings you here Matthias?" He grinned and said, "Im taking you to the beach." You chocked on your own spit, "no."




"Because I don't want to."

"Why not?"


"Don't tell me you cant swim."

And that was how you ended up at the beach, which to your luck was totally deserted, with pink floaties on your arms.


"I told you."

"..shut up."

"Gilbert. We both know you burn easily."

"Ja but I didn't think fifteen minutes would do this."

"Well it did so suck it up." He grunted as you applied the gel to his back. You heard him mumbling about the world hating him and what not until his said, "Hey (y/n)?"


He smirked, "I think I might have gotten burned on my awesome five meters. Would you mind-"



You and Arthur had taken Peter to the beach so that Berwald and Tino could go on a business trip and you two were currently sitting under a big umbrella, you making sandwiches for lunch and Arthur talking about something to do with work when Peter came running under, tears streaming down his face. You dropped the plastic butter knife that you were holding and opened your arms for him. After a second Arthur asked him what was wrong and he responded with, "I was building a s and castle and these two guys came and started destroying it and said that only girls cared about that kind of stuff." Arthur stood up, "Where are they?"


"Peter where are they?"

"Arthur please, be rational."

"I am being rational (y/n)"

"No your not. Now sit down and eat your dang sandwich because you need to eat before you go and pummel those kids."

Peter smiled.

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