Your fear come to life {Sweden}

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Taphephobia{fear of being buried alive}

You were sitting at home when you got a call from one of your friends, saying that they were in a car accident and if you could come and pick them up. Leaving a note for Berwald where you would be, you left to go pick up your friend.
The two of you where in the parking lot talking when a gloved hand covered both of your mouths. Your eyes flew wide open and everything went dark quickly.
When you woke up, you were in your friends car, laying on the back seat and you saw that she was in the passenger seat. You were about to ask what was going on, but then you looked out the window
And realized you two were buried alive.
You gripped the handle of the car, fear taking over you, but you knew not to take deep breaths because that would make the oxygen supply run out quicker.

*time skip*

Both you and your friend were hugging each other, tears poring out of your eyes. You knew that you probably only had a few minutes left when all of a sudden you two hear shouting coming from above and then you realized it was Berwald. You began to see light as they dug up the buried car but suddenly you began to black out, the thin amount of oxygen left gone. 

*time skip again bc I'm lazy*

You woke up feeling warm. Opening your eyes, you realized that you were curled up on Berwalds chest in the Nordics home. The five siblings were sitting in the living room talking lowly, even Matthias was quiet. Shifting in Berwalds lap, you opens your eyes to be met with his worried blue eyes that had dark circles under them. Frowning, you knew that you couldn't have been in the car for too long, so why did he look so tired? "(Y/n)!" Mathias shouted excitedly and you cringed at the loudness in his voice. Lukas reached over to pull his tie but he laughed and said "Ha! I'm not wearing a tie!" Lukas grumbled and wrapped his hand around his throat, squeezed, and let go.
Looking around the room, you noticed they all had slightly dark circles under their eyes. "What happened?"
Tino looked at you and gave a tired smile, "there's been this man going around who buries people under the ground after having keeping them knocked out for a few days. He calls himself the grave digger." You stared at him in shock. "But how you you guys find me?"
"He sent us a bunch of messages and we had to figure them out before twenty four hours were up or your air would run out. Luckily we did just in time and we got the coordinates."
Emil piped up, "I'm sorry that we couldn't find you sooner. I'm sure it was terrifying considering that being buried alive is your biggest fear."
The room went quiet after that. I guess you never mentioned that you were scared of being buried alive to the other Nordics. The other four looked at you, their eyes widened. "That's the fear you wouldn't tell us?" Tino asked. You nodded your head and Berwalds grip on you tightened, "'m s'rry (y/n) th't i couldn't be th're f'r y'u." [i tried I'm sorry] he buried his face in you neck and sighed deeply. You smiled, knowing that even if this happened again, Berwald would be there to save you.

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