He has a nightmare

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{Germany, England, Sweden, Russia, America}

Germany: you were washing your hands in the bathroom when you heard it; Ludwig whimpering. Racing back to your shared bedroom, Ludwig was sitting up but his head was tilted down. The door squeaked when you opened it, drawing his attention. His eyes were rimmed with red, tear stains under them.
You shuffled over to him and engulfed him in a hug, already knowing what his nightmare was about.

England: you couldn't get to sleep, so you were downstairs brewing some tea. As you were sitting in the living room waiting, you heard the sound of Arthur screaming followed by him running down the stairs. He stared at you for a second before launching himself at you, tears streaming. You hold onto him, rub his back, and lead him to the tea you had just made.

Sweden: he had fallen asleep while doing paperwork and as you were about to wake him up to go to bed, he yelped.
His eyes hot open and he stared at you. After a second, he stood and pulled you to his chest. You could hear his heart beating rapidly and knew he must have been dreaming about the night in Denmark.

Russia: you were both asleep in bed when you felt Ivan shaking. Being a light sleeper, you woke up instantly to see Ivan staring at the wall crying.
Sitting up, you wrap your arms around his torso and bury your face in his shoulder. In return, he rested his head on top of yours and mumbled, "I thought you had left me too."

America: you had been watching a horror movie when Alfred had fallen asleep so when he started whimpering you thought he was dreaming of the movie. When he woke up you were shocked when he started crying and hugged you, whispering about how glad he was you weren't dead.

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