Rock x Reader (Mega Man)

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(Another separate story. In case you didn't know, I use Rock as Mega Man's name when he's not in his battle armor)

"Hey, Rock!" You called out to your best friend. He was sitting on the steps of Light's Laboratory, enjoying the scenery.

He turned his head and waved at you. You then sat next to him.

"Hey, you said you wanted to meet me here?" You ask.

"Yeah, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to come with me to an amusement park opening today!" Rock said.

"Sure! I'd love to go! I just need to get dressed first. How about we go around 5:00?" You asked.

"Okay! I'll see you then." Rock smiled shyly as you waved goodbye.


It was 5:00, and you met Rock outside, who was waiting.

"Ready to go?" He said. He had a gray T-shirt with an E-Tank design on front. His hair was well-brushed.

"Yeah, let's go!" You and Rock then walk all the way to the amusement park.

Once you got there, you looked around and at every glance there were rides and booths and roller coasters, and Rock could tell that you were very excited.

"What ride do you want to go first?" He asked you. You looked around until you spotted a game where you had to throw a baseball into holes in the wall.

"Oh! That one!" You walk towards it and Rock follows.

You grab a baseball and throw, but you only managed to throw it in the medium hole.

"Aw, so close!" Rock exclaimed. "You still win a prize though." He handed you a medium-sized dragon plush.

"Awesome! Say, wanna try the roller coaster?" You ask him.

"Yeah, let's go!" You and Rock both head out to the roller coaster and ride it. At first. It seemed a little scary, but you held onto Rock's arm, making it seemed a little less scary.

After the ride ended, you were still holding onto his arm, but you then took notice and blushed as you let go.

"A-Awesome ride, wasn't it?" You smile embarrassedly.

"Yeah, it was!" Rock also blushed as he rubbed the back of his neck.

" wanna stop for a E-tank or something?" You say.

"Yeah, there's a vending machine over there, let's go." Rock took out a few dollars and rushed to the vending machine, buying two E-tanks. As you were drinking, you spotted a prize that caught your eye. It was a huge, stuffed plush of Pac-Man, that seemed too adorable to just walk past it. The game holding it was a Strength-Hammer game, and you knew you weren't strong enough to get it. Rock noticed that you were staring at the plush for a long time.

"H-Hey...Ready to go on more rides?" Rock smiled.

"Oh, uh, sure." As you followed Rock to the other games, you took a last glimpse of that giant Pac-Man plush.

Over time, you ride on so many different rides, such as Pharaoh's Curse, the Bumper Cars, Zero Gravity, and even visited the Petting Zoo. After all that, you were tired and so was Rock, and the both of you sat down on a bench.

"Oh man, that was tons of fun!" You said excitedly.

"It was! Say, I need to do something really quick... Can you wait for me here?" Rock said shyly.

"Oh, sure. I'll wait for you." You responded.

Rock then left to a different section of the amusement park. He found Guts Man and lightly tapped him.

"Hey Guts Man, can you help me out on something?" Rock said.

"Sure thing, Mega. What do ya need?"

"I need you to win a game for me, well, I want to win the game for a friend of mine. Just follow me." Rock said as he ran to the Strength-Hammer.

"Oh, this'll be easy." Guts Man grabbed the hammer and gave the button on the bottom a very light tap, but due to Guts Man's strength, it was enough to send the little knob flying, hitting the bell.

Guts Man was given the Pac-Man plush, and then he gave it to Rock.

"I bet your friend'll love it." Guts Man said.

"Thank you very much!" Rock said happily as he returned back to you.


You were still sitting on the bench, waiting for Rock to come, but then you saw that giant Pac-Man plush hovering towards you. You rubbed your eyes and looked back up to see Rock's head poking out the side with a huge smile on his face.

"For you!" He said, handing the plush to you.

"Wow...Rock...Thank you!!" You placed it aside and hugged him. He blushed a lot, and gave you a little kiss on your forehead. You blushed the same, and returned the favor by kissing him on his cheek.

"You're the best!" You say, as you start to head on home, carrying your Pac-Man plush and holding Rock's hand.

(I didn't know what the plush should be, so I though about my precious little cinnamon roll Castor, which was my Pac-Man Amiibo. Hope ya enjoyed!)

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