Shadows to My Heart (Shadow Man x Reader)

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You were made by Dr. Light, a robot master with armor that can't be penetrated. You were alone at Dr. Light's lab, but being alone was a terrible mistake. It was nighttime, and you thought you were hallucinating. Every now and then you would see something move or hear a weird sound. You were starting to get a little creeped out, you stand up to try to turn on all the lights in the laboratory, when you felt something wrap around you. You look down to see you've been tied up!

"How...?" You were extremely confused. You look up to see Quick Man pointing a Quick Boomerang on your forehead.

"W-What's going on?" You ask.

"I'm taking you with me." Quick Man replies with a smirk.

He teleports you with him. When the beam clears up, you noticed you were in a place way different than Light's Laboratory.

"Let me go..!" You say as you struggle to get free from Quick Man's grasp.

"You're not going anywhere, sweetheart." Quick Man teased.

You kept moving, trying to make him get tired of holding you so you could escape, but you heard heavy footsteps, so you stopped moving.

"Hard Man, take over for me." You heard Quick Man say.

Now you couldn't even move a muscle. Hard Man had you held down completely still.

"Ok, listen up." Quick Man said to you.

"I've kidnapped you for a reason. Dr. Wily gave me orders to do it. He's not here at the moment, but we'll make sure you don't escape." He explains.

"SHADOW! GET OVER HERE!" Quick Man yells.

Shadow Man walks in, arms crossed.

"Don't yell at me like that." Shadow Man said coldly.

"Whatever ninja robot. Dr. Wily put me in charge here." Quick Man said.

"I guess he's starting to lose his eyesight, because he chose the jerk to be in command." Shadow Man said.

"Listen, you sorry excuse for a ninja!" Quick Man growled.

"You're a sorry excuse for a second in command." Shadow Man replies.

"Are you two done?" Hard Man asks.

"Who put you in command as the interrupter?" Quick Man snapped at Hard Man.

Quick Man turned back to Shadow Man.

"Look, are you going to make sure (Y/N) doesn't escape? It should I let her go so I can blame it all on you?" Quick Man said, pointing at you.

Shadow Man looked at your eyes, and you did the same. His serious expression softened, and he shook his head.

"Fine." Shadow Man replied.

Hard Man took you to a a cage that looked a lot like a jail cell, and he threw you in and locked the door.

"Here." Hard Man said, giving the key to Shadow Man.

Hard Man left, and all that remained was you and Shadow Man, sitting on a wooden stool.

Throughout the day, you stayed silent, up to the point when you fell asleep on the hard granite floor.

Shadow Man used one of his shurikens on the cage, making a loud scraping noise that woke you up.

"Huh...?" You say drowsily.

"Don't make a sound." He says quietly.

He uses the key to unlock the door. He steps inside and uses a kunai knife to cut the ropes. He picks you up and quietly heads out the door, but as he turns around to the hallway, he nearly bumps into Quick Man.

"Well, what do we have here? A traitor?" Quick Man says mockingly.

Shadow Man doesn't reply, instead he gives a cold glare.

"What's the matter?" Quick Man says.

"You scared I'm going to tell Dr. Wily what I'm doing?"

Instead of replying, Shadow Man takes out his Shadow Blade and stabs it into Quick Man's chest.

"Ouch!'ll pay for this..." Quick Man says before collapsing.

Without hesitation, Shadow Man continues to escape with you.


When Shadow Man escapes, he was extremely far away from Wily's fortress. he sets you down under a cherry blossom tree. He collapses of exhaustion next to you.

"Shadow Man... Why'd you escape with me....?" You ask.

"They were going to deactivate you and change you. You were going to be one of Wily's robots, Just like it happened to me. I thought it was cruel they'd do something like that to a someone as beautiful as you..." Shadow Man said, smiling shyly.

You blushed at what he said.

"Thank you, Shadow." You said.

You kissed him sweetly, and gently. He did the same. As you pulled away, you hugged him as both you and Shadow Man fell asleep under the cherry blossom tree.

MegaMan Robot Master x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now