Time Man x Reader

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This is a separate Time Man X Reader, and NOT a part two. Just pretend the other one didn't happen. Anyways, ENJOY!)


The alarm on Time Man started to ring loudly.

"Wake up everyone. You're going to be late." Time Man stopped his alarm after he saw the other Robot Masters wake up.

"Aw man, it's work day!" Ice Man piped. "Oh well. Back to Antarctica!"

Time Man was making sure they were on track. But he noticed that one of the Robot Masters was gone.

"Has anyone seen (Y/n)...?" Time Man asked.

"No, I think she woke up early." Elec Man said, grabbing an E-tank and heading to the Power Plant.

"Why? Ya worried, Time?" Oil Man smirked slightly.

"Humph." Time Man simply huffed and left to the living room.

In the living room, you were on the floor, playing with Mega Man's robot dog Rush.

"...There you are. Why are you up so early?" Time Man asked.

"I dunno. I have a day off today. You have one too!" You replied.

Rush jumped onto Time Man, but you noticed that Time didn't even care, and seemed annoyed by it.

"Time Man...you seem stressed." You stood up and looked at him straight into his eyes.

"I'm not." He turned his head and tried to remove Rush from him.

"But you're always so serious! It's as if you're unhappy." You ask worriedly.

"I'm fine." He said sternly as he crossed his arms. He seemed annoyed that you cared so much for him. Why did he always act so serious all the time..?

Rush whimpered and trotted back to you. You hugged Rush and rubbed his head playfully and showed affection. He then barked happily and licked your face, causing you to laugh. Time Man's expression softened as he unfolded his crossed arms. He didn't do anything, though. He simply left and headed out into the woods right outside Light's laboratory. You watched him go, but you had to do something about it.

After the other Robot Masters were gone, you decided to head out with your plan. You called to Rush, in which he came running.

"Okay Rush, You're gonna help me find Time Man. Can you do that for me?" You asked Mega's faithful dog.

He responded with a bark and started to head out the door, in which you grabbed two E-Tanks along the way. You followed Rush into the woods, who was sniffing the ground and constantly perking his ears up. After a while, he then stopped behind a bush and wagged his tail, letting you know that Time Man is just ahead.

"Thank you Rush," you whispered. "You can return back to the lab now." You gave Rush a little kiss on his nose, and then he went back to the lab.

You then looked straight ahead, seeing Time Man gazing into a pond, in which the sun dappled through the trees, making it look gorgeous. Time Man then closed his eyes and sighed. He mumbled something that you couldn't hear. It was no doubt that something was stressing Time Man.

"...Time..?" You called out. He jumped up suddenly.

"(Y/n)..? You surprised me!! What are you doing here?!" Time Man said.

"I just wanted to be with someone, since everyone else is working or gone. Mind if I sit next to you?" You asked.

"...Sure. Go ahead."

You sat next to him, staring at the pond. You then offered Time an E-Tank, in which he took.

"Time Man, what's been stressing you out lately?" You asked.

He took a quick sip of the E-Tank. "Why do you care about me so much...?" He asked. He looked a little concerned.

"Well, you're my comrade, I care for you deeply." You replied.

He stayed silent for a while, but finally replied: "Thank you...".

He smiled just a tiny bit, which made your eyes widen with amazement. It was extremely rare to see Time Man smile.

"I saw that!!" You exclaimed.

"N-No you didn't..." Time Man was serious again, but you can tell he was holding back a smile.

"C'mon, Time! I totally saw that! Do it again!!" You said, holding onto Time Man's arm.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Time Man said.

"Yeah you do!" You repeatedly pocked his cheek until he started to laugh a little.

"Time Man, come on!" You knew he had that soft spot. You wanted to see him laugh.

"Alright, fine, fine. You win." He was now laughing and smiling. You laughed along too. He did something unpredictable, though. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and kissed you on the forehead, saying another "Thank you." You blushed and smiled as you saw how happy he was.

MegaMan Robot Master x Reader OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora