The Magic in Love (Magic Man x Reader)

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You sat on the couch with King's robots (also Tengu Man and Astro Man) who have been reprogramed by Dr. Light to live alongside humans and have free will.

You got up to grab an E-Tank, and when you returned, Magic Man was talking about how he was going to preform at a talent show for Robot Masters.

"You're going to do Magic? Magic Man, it says Talent show." Tengu Man replied rudely. 

"Ouch" whispers Burner Man.

"I have talent!" Magic Man replied.

"And I have a witnesses to prove it." said Magic Man, pointing at you and Dynamo Man.

"I'll be honest with you, I enjoy Magic Man's tricks." Dynamo said to the others.

"Magic Man is talented." You curtly reply to Tengu Man.

"Whatever. Knock yourself out, Magic Man." Said Tengu Man, walking to his room.


The Talent Show was huge! Lots of Robot Masters came to show off their skills.

Guts Man did karaoke with Splash Woman, Ice Man and Crash Man built a Ice Sculpture of Mecha Dragon, Gemini Man did a trick using his clones, Enker threw his spear into a apple on Ballade's head, and so much more.


"Thanks for comin guys!" Enjoy the rest of th' show!" Oil Man says, finishing off his comedian act.

Your sides and everyone else's were hurting from laughter. Oil Man was incredibly hilarious! You were most excited for Magic Man's performance, which was the final act and you couldn't wait to see what trick he has.

Magic Man stepped up on the stage.

He held out a pan and showed the crowd that it was empty. He then got an egg and cracked it inside the pan, then pours volatile liquid into it, lights a match and ignites it. The crowd watched in curiosity.

He slammed the lid on the pan to extinguish the flames. Then, he opened it, and five doves came flying out!

The crowd gasped in amazement, and shortly after they started to clap and cheer. You were astonished and clapped too.

"I'd like to preform one last trick." He said to the crowd.

The crowd silenced their claps and awaited for the next trick.

He took out his wand and covered it with red velvet cloth. Then, he threw it in air, and caught it. Then he removed the cloth and revealed a bouquet of roses.

The crowd clapped and cheered again. Magic Man walked to you and handed them to you. You blushed a bright red, then the crowd started to laugh and cheer for Magic Man even harder when he pulled you on-stage, hugging you.

"Thanks for coming to the Talent Show!" Magic Man said to the crowd.


After the Show, you stayed behind with Magic Man.

"Hey, um... Magic Man? Thank you for the roses." You said with a smile.

"Thanks for believing in me." He replied.

He hugged you, and you kissed him on the cheek.

"Thanks for everything." He added.

(A note, this is my first ever oneshot for a robot master from Rockman and Forte. (Mega Man and Bass.) Requested by Maverick-Princess)

MegaMan Robot Master x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now