Romance on its Tracks (Charge Man x Reader)

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(Was out of ideas, so this is the best I got for this one. But anyways, enjoy the oneshot!)

You were at the train station, waiting for your friend, Charge Man. He said he would transport a few things, then spend the rest of the day with you. After a few minutes of waiting, you heard a train whistle. You stand up, and in a matter of seconds, Charge Man skidded to a stop and greeted you.

"Hey, ready to go?" Charge Man said. He was pulling a cart behind him.

"Yep!" You replied.

"Alright. Hop on." Charge Man motioned to the cart he was pulling.

"Don't mind the boxes."

You got in and gave Charge Man the "ok" signal by giving him a thumbs up. Charge Man nodded, then he blew his whistle then puffed out smoke, and then he began to move forward.


The wind blew through your hair as Charge Man went full speed ahead. You were enjoying the scenery as you passed by forests, mountains, and rivers. You even enjoyed the rhythmic sound of the the train car chugging. You were thrown forward though, as Charge Man suddenly stopped.

"Sorry for the sudden stop, but we're here." Charge Man lightly chuckled.

He unhooked himself from the train car and helped you get off, then brought some of the boxes with him.

You were far away from the city, and in the middle of a beautiful meadow. You and Charge Man wandered until he found a perfect spot to sit in.

"This place is beautiful, isn't it?" Charge Man said while opening one of the boxes.

"Yeah! It's nice to get away from the city once and awhile." You happily replied.

Charge Man passed you a E-Tank, and you popped it open and took a sip.

"I didn't know you liked hanging out here in nature like I do." You said.

"Heh, just because I'm a steam locomotive, doesn't mean I can't like nature!" Charge Man laughed.

"You know... I thought you were kinda scary when we first met. But actually, you're really big-hearted!" You smiled brightly at him.

Charge Man blushes and looks away. "Thank you, that's really nice of you." Once his blush was gone, he turned to look back at you.

"You're not the only one though, a lot of the other Robot Masters think I'm a little scary... But I'm not like that." He said.

"Of course you aren't. You're really sweet!" You hug Charge Man, much to his surprise.

"And you're really pretty." Charge Man kissed you on the forehead and hugged you back.

As the sun went down, you yawned as you and Charge Man started to head back home to the city, but instead of riding the train car, he carried you home, where you were sleeping soundly in his arms.

MegaMan Robot Master x Reader OneshotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat