Soaring Above (Jupiter x Reader)

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"T-This is a little too high." You say, holding tighter onto your friend Jupiter, where he took you to the sky so he'd help you overcome your fear of flying.

"I'm sorry. Do you want me to put you down...?" Jupiter said worriedly.

"Y-Yes please!"

Jupiter landed softly and placed you gently on the ground. You stepped away from him and sighed.

"How can I get over my fear of flying if I can't even be a few inches off the ground?" You mumbled to yourself.

"Don't be so hard on yourself. I know you'll overcome your fear." Jupiter patted you on the back to comfort you.

"Thanks, Jupiter! I'll try my best to stay calm." You smile at him and do a quick thumbs up.

Though you couldn't see it, you could tell that Jupiter smiled too.

"If you're determined to overcome your fear, then I'm not giving up on you!" Without your permission, Jupiter swooped you off the ground and carried you across the sky.

"J-Jupiter no!" You clutched onto his armor and hide your face into his chest to help yourself calm down.

Worried he'd frighten you enough to switch you into offline mode, he changed direction and headed back to land so he could set you on the ground.

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that..." Jupiter was ashamed and looked away from you.

"It's ok, Jupiter, you only tried to help..." You say, trying to make him feel better.

You get a sudden signal from your internal radar.

"Jupiter, we need to hide now!" You hold onto Jupiter's arm.

"They're here?!?" He follows you into a very thick bush and hides inside with you.

"Yeah." You whisper quietly.

Outside the bush you can hear multiple footsteps, so you hold your breath to stay as still as possible.

At that very moment, you remembered a memory you had a very long time ago.

"Put me on the ground!!!" You yelled.

"I'm sorry, did I scare you?" A green hawk-like robot placed you on the ground and backed away.

"N-not you, flying." You embarrassedly mumbled.

"Oh, you have a fear of flying?" The green robot cocked his head slightly to the side.

"Yeah..." You look away from him.

"It's the only way I could save you from falling to your death." He said.

"I was careless and fell off."

"Well, the name's Jupiter. I'm a Stardroid" Jupiter whispered to you, as if he was hiding a secret.

"Wait, a Stardroid? What are you doing in a place like this? The police will eventually find you!" You warned him.

"I know, Stardroids aren't welcome on earth, but I like it here!"

"Alright. I won't tell anyone about you. By the way my name is (Y/n)!" You say.

"Alright then, nice to meet you." Jupiter gave you a thumbs up.

You snap out of your memory as the
two Fake Man robots start searching around your hiding spot, making you nervous, hoping you and Jupiter don't get caught.

One Fake Man noticed a quick movement in the bush. He pulled you and Jupiter out of the bush and threw the two of you onto the ground roughly. The other Fake Man armed his cannon near Jupiter's face.

"I've got you now, Stardroid!" Fake Man said.

You kicked Fake Man away and pulled your friend Jupiter to his feet. The other Fake Man shot Jupiter in his chest plate. He got knocked back due to the impact of the blast and fell off the cliff where Jupiter helped you get over your fear.

You didn't know what to do. Would you jump off the cliff to save your friend? or does your fear overcome you? You did the only thing that came to mind.

You jumped off the cliff and catch up to Jupiter, who was knocked unconscious.

"Jupiter...! Jupiter....Please wake up!" Still hanging onto his unresponsive body, your fears start to take over.

You give him a kiss on the cheek and bury your face into his chest, expecting to hit the ocean waters below, but at the very last moment, he woke up and flew back up into the sky, carrying you in his arms.

"Jupiter! You're alive! And you saved me! Thank you so much!" You hug him, but careful not to hurt him.

"I see you got over your fear." Jupiter replied.

It was true. You looked back down at the ocean and you didn't feel anything. You look up to the sky and didn't feel anything either. Your eyes widened with surprise and joy.

Jupiter landed again, but this time in a different location, away from Fake Man. Jupiter ruffled your hair as he gave you a thumbs up.

"Wait, did you wait until I kissed you so you could fly up into the air...?" You say, trying to look serious but eventually a smile formed.

"Well, yes. I knew a catastrophic moment would help you overcome your fear." Jupiter said embarrassedly.

"How'd you find out?"

"That blast wasn't hard enough to send you backwards, but you're clever." You reply, tapping on his hawk-like helmet.

"You're a smart one.... I like you." Jupiter removed his mouthpiece and kissed you fully on the lips.

"I'm rephrasing that to love." Jupiter said.

"I love you too" you smile at him, and once again, he took you into the sky and together, the two of you flew anywhere Jupiter could take you.

MegaMan Robot Master x Reader OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt