Crashing Through (Crash Man x Reader)

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"Wait Crash Man...!" You yelled.

It was too late. Crash Man had already punched a hole into Guts Man's armor. You didn't know how he did it, Guts Man's armor was almost impenetrable, but with Crash's drill, he managed to make a gaping hole in the middle of his chest.

"Aughhh! Can't you take a joke?" Guts Man yelled in pain.

"Unfortunately for you, I CAN'T! Crash Man snapped.

"Now leave her alone!" Crash Man threatened.

"Fine! So much for an upgrade of me and Bomb Man! I guess you can't handle two personalities, jerk." Guts Man says as he starts to walk away.

Crash growled at him. Apparently, he was ticked off that Guts Man was teasing you, and Crash got really mad.

"Crash Man... You didn't have to..." You say quietly, putting your hand on his shoulder.

Crash Man lowered his head as an attempt to calm down. His fiery red eyes turned back to his normal emerald green. He turned around and smiled at you gently.

"I'm sorry. It just...happened." Crash Man said calmly.

You sighed and smiled back.

"It's alright, Crash Man. You didn't mean to." You said.

Crash Man smiled again.

You received a message through your communicator.

"Oh, I've got to go Crash Man. I'll see you later. Thank you for defending me." You tell him with a smile.

You walk up to Crash Man and give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

His gentle smile turns into an embarrassed one.

"Okay... Um... I'll see you later, OK?" Crash Man says shyly, waving one of his drills in the air, as if he was waving goodbye.

"Alright, Crash." You reply.

You teleport away, leaving Crash Man all by himself.

"Darn. What am I supposed to do now?" Crash Man said to himself, kicking a half-crushed can of soda.

Crash sighed sadly and decided to head on home.


A large ship carrying large amounts of oil has been punctured by a rock near the beach and has spilled into the ocean, so you, Time Man and Oil Man rushed to the scene to help out.

"Time Man, can you use your Time Slow to slow down the oil spill?" You tell him.

"Alright." He replied.

You turned to Oil Man.

"Oil Man... You know what to do." You say.

"Gotcha." Says Oil Man, flashing a quick thumbs up before he started to soak up the oil.

"Crash Man, you can....Crash Man?!? What are you doing here?" You asked surprised.

"I just wanted to help out." Crash Man said.

"Um... I don't know what you can do..." You say, thinking hard.

Without your permission, he runs over to the ship and jabs his drill into the hole, blocking more oil from escaping.

Time Man stopped his Time Slow and went to find something to patch up the hole with. After Oil Man finished soaking up the Oil, he helped Time Man patch up the ship.

You pick up wildlife that have been soaked with oil, and carefully hand them over to Oil Man.

"You and Time can remove the oil off them, right?" You ask them both.

"Does Oil Man annoy the gears out of me?" Time Man said.

"You betcha!" Oil Man replied.

"We'll clean them faster than my Oil Slider!" He says enthusiastically.

"Alright guys, good luck!" You tell them.

As they leave, Crash Man runs up to you.

"So how'd I do?" Crash Man asks.

"That was unexpected, yet awesome! Thanks for helping me and the others out." You reply.

Crash Man's smile turns bigger, as if he was waiting for something.

You reach up to him, trying to plant a kiss on his cheek, but he turns his head so you kiss him on the lips instead.

"Whoops... Sorry Crash..." You say embarrassed, trying to hide the blush on your face.

"No need to be sorry." Crash Man says.

He reaches down and kisses you again, this time with a little more passion.

"I care about you. Will you stay with me?" Crash Man asks, looking into your eyes.

"Of course I will!" You reply.

Crash Man tries to hug you, but it was a little awkward, due to the lack of hands.

"Just don't impale me." You joke, hugging him back.

"I'll try not to." Crash Man jokes back.

MegaMan Robot Master x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now