Slick Romance (Oil Man x Reader)

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(My favorite Robot Master!)

You were sitting on the couch in Dr. Light's Lab, trying to to ignore the argument that Oil Man and Time Man were having. But you couldn't. They were standing right in front of the couch and you couldn't stand up, so you just sat there awkwardly.

"It ain't my fault ya can't keep up to your schedule!" Oil Man yelled.

"It is completely your fault! Due to your idiocies, my schedule has gone off the charts!" Time Man ranted.

"Whatever, like it's the end of th' world that ya can't get to th' Chronos Institute!" Oil Man started to lose his cool.

"Thanks to your simple mistake, I'm not going to be able to go to the Chronos institute for QUITE SOME TIME!" Time Man was starting to yell even louder.

"Um.. can you guys.... not fight?" You squeak out.

Oil Man and Time Man stop their arguing and look at you.

"....Oh, I'm incredibly sorry. I didn't even realize you were there." Time Man apologized.

"Yeah, sorry." Oil Man apologized as well.

But then, Oil Man's face turned happy.

"Say, how bout' we go somewhere? Let's let gear-head calm down." Oil Man grabbed your hand and dragged you out the door.


Oil Man slammed the door behind him, not letting Time Man finish.

"So where do ya wanna go, babe?" Oil Man asked.

"Wherever. Say, what happened between you and Time Man?" You tilted your head in confusion.

"I had to get repaired 'cause my arm cannon was leakin' oil when I didn't want it to. Time Man got careless and slipped on it. Now he's waitin' to get repaired. He busted somethin' inside that messed up his Time Slow." He said.

"It sounds like it wasn't your fault..." You tried to defend him.

"I know, but that workaholic alarm clock doesn't listen." Oil Man shrugged.

"...Oil Man, do you want to get ice cream?" You ask him, trying to change the subject.

Oil Man, who was fixing his scarf, looked at you and smiled.

"Sure, babe. What kinda ice cream you want?"

"I want (Favorite flavor)"

"Gotcha." Oil Man flashed a thumbs up and started to look around.

"Come on, follow me." Oil Man grabbed your hand and ran to the nearest ice cream parlor.


"Woah, Freeze bro, you work here?"

Freeze Man looked up from the counter and was a little surprised.

"Yeah." Freeze Man said.

"That's cool. Can I get two (favorite flavor) cones?" Oil Man said.

"Sure thing." Freeze Man scooped up the ice cream and put them in cones, then handed them one to you and the other to Oil Man.

Oil Man started to take out money, but Freeze Man stopped him, and pointed to the sign near the door.

"It says if you bring a date, two ice cream cones free." Freeze Man explained.

Oil Man immediately turned red.

"Wha..? N-no, ya got th' wrong idea!" Oil Man started to get embarrassed.

"You mean she's not your date?" Freeze Man was confused.

You quietly laugh to yourself.

"Ya know what, whatever man. Ya gonna take th' money or not? You didn't hafta make this awkward." Oil Man pulled up his scarf to cover his mouth and looked away.

"Sorry for the misunderstanding, dude. You can take the ice cream, no charge." Freeze Man gave Oil Man a quick wink while you weren't looking.

"....Thanks..bro." Oil Man said, removing his scarf and placing it back on his neck as he left.

As you and Oil Man walked outside, eating your ice creams, he didn't really talk much.

You never thought Oil Man would get so embarrassed over a little misunderstanding. He was usually cool over that stuff, but now he seemed completely embarrassed. You took a your last bite as you finished your ice cream cone, where Oil Man was just staring at his cone, not even eating it anymore.

"Are you going that?" You asked.

Oil Man snapped out of his trance and shook his head.

"No, babe. You can have it." Oil Man slightly smiled and handed the cone to you.

"Thank you." You start to eat the cone when you notice Oil Man was heading for Dr. Light's lab, keeping his head down.

"Oil Man, is something...wrong? You hesitated to ask.

"Hm..? Oh no, it's nothin' babe. You shouldn't worry 'bout it." Oil Man flashed a quick smile, but continued to look at the ground.

At the door to Dr. Light's lab, Oil Man was about to turn the doorknob, but he didn't. He turned to look at you and sighed.

"Man, I hope Time Man man cooled down.

"I'm sure he's fine." You reply.

"Alright." Oil Man turns the doorknob and steps in.

Time Man, who was reading a book, looked up.

"Took you long enough."

"Are the others back?" Oil Man asked.

"No. They're still not back." Time Man responded.

"You two seem in a better mood." You say.

"As a matter of fact, I wanted to apologize for my rudeness." Time Man closed his book and set it aside.

He stood up and stuck out his hand.

Oil Man smiled happily.

"Sure thing, bro! Apology accepted!" Oil Man shook his hand, then started to happily skip to his room.

"Uh, what did you do to him?" Time Man whispered to you.

"I didn't do anything." You whisper back.

"Hm. Alright." Time Man shrugged and walked to his room.

You also decided to go to your room.


At your room, it was nighttime, and the other Robot Masters still didn't return until later that night. You were reading a book on your bed, when you heard a knock at your door.

You stand up to open the door, and Oil Man appears in the doorway.

"Yo! I just wanted to know if you wanna go get ice cream again tomorrow." Oil Man asked.

"At the same ice cream place?" You say a little surprised.

"Yeah, but this time...I wanna go with you as my date...y'know? Not because I wanna get free ice cream..." Oil Man blushed a little.

"It's a date then." You smile sweetly at him.

"It's a date!" Oil Man gave you a quick kiss on your forehead before he left, shouting happily as he ran to his room.

"Oil Man, keep it down!" Time Man shouted through his room.

"....sorry bro." Oil Man apologized, and instead fist pumped all the way to his room.

MegaMan Robot Master x Reader OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ