Chapter 2: The Idea

Start from the beginning

“And who’s that?”

“Mmbmmlms…,“ she replied.

I waited.

Crunch. Crunch.

She finally swallowed and this time I could make out her answer: “Tootles.”

“Ah, yeah. I like Tootles. But I’m rooting for Dustin Hoffman”, I told her.

Emma smiled at me. “Yup, I know. You always go for the bad guys.”


“Favorite scene?” We grinned at each other and yelled at the same time: “The food fight!”

Emma actually started to jump up and down on her seat a little. She does that a lot when she gets excited. Her ponytail with her long black hair whipped from side to side.

“I have to say, it is epic. To me, it’s the ultimate food fight scene in a movie, ever! We should watch it again, what do you say?” Her dark green eyes sparkled with joy.

Oh no. If we do an encore, she will only come up with more scenes we have to have a look at again and then we will end up watching the same movie twice. Just in a very messed up order. No can do.

Quick, distraction…

“Hey, Em, how come there are so many food fights featured in movies anyway? I mean, it’s such a cliché, isn’t it? We’ve never had a food fight in our school as far as I know. Actually, I’ve never heard of anyone who has been in a real food fight. Have you?”

“Hm. No, I haven’t,“ she replied thoughtfully. “But you’re right. I mean, there’s a food fight in almost every teen movie. Usually in the school cafeteria, or sometimes at a camp. Yet I’ve never heard of a real food fight happening.”

She bit her lower lip and tapped her fingers against her armrest.

“Although, there’s no food fight in 10 things I hate about you, is there? Then again, they have this paintball fight which maybe could be seen as some kind of substitute for it…”, she kept on contemplating and most likely analyzing all movies she has ever watched in regards of the portrayal of food fights.

Uh oh. Movie analysis mode. Talk about a distraction gone bad.

I took an audible breath. “Yeah, I guess it’s one of those things we’re missing out on and end up being in therapy for. The lack of food fights. I should ask my mom about it. – By the way, we had the talk earlier today and it went surprisingly well.”

Emma looked at me stunned. “It did?”

I nodded.

“Wait, which one? The party harder, the drugs or the senior year-talk?”

“Senior year.”

“And it went well? Really?!” My friend couldn’t quite believe it. After all, she knows my mom. “What did she say?”

“Well, basically it was all about prom and how I should do it right so I won’t need therapy later because I denied myself a true and very important high school experience. No regrets and all that.”

I grabbed the last few pretzels.

“That was it?”

“Yep, “I replied happily. “You know, maybe I should add ‘start a food fight’ onto the list right next to ‘do prom right’ for the full teenage experience,” I joked.

I munched on my snacks. Hm. Actually, a food fight does sound like a lot of fun. Maybe my mom is onto something. Not only about prom. I mean, it is my last year of high school. My last chance to do the things you can only do in high school.


What else did I miss besides a food fight? Well, I’m just an ordinary B student. Not part of the popular crowd, the nerds or any other social clique you can think of. I guess I’m one of those girls people just tolerate and never pay attention to. In a few years, when my name is mentioned, only my friends will remember me, and others will be like: ‘Who? Oh, yeah, I think she was that chick in my history class…'

Maybe I should mingle with some other people than only my friends. Expand my horizon.

But still, I’ve done all the things the typical high school student does, haven’t I? Okay, maybe not all the things. I never joined one of those clubs, except the school newspaper. And I’ve never had detention. Hey, that’s a good thing, isn’t it? Or will I regret not having had detention one day in the future? Maybe I should try and get some this year, see what it’s all about. I’ve never skipped school, either. That’s definitely something I should do.

“Earth to Sarah! You’re spacing out,” Emma said and waved her hand in front of my face.

Okay, decision made. I turned my head around and smiled at her.

“You know what we should do? A bucket list for senior year.”

Em just stared at me for a few seconds. But then she fully understood what I was talking about. She grinned and started jumping up and down on her seat again. “That’s why you’re my best friend!” She hugged me. “You’ve got the best ideas!”

I laughed and hugged her back.

Emma jumped up, “I’m getting a notepad and a pen. If we do this, we do it right. ‘Food fight’ is going to be the first item on our list!”

She almost tripped over her own feet while running out of the room.

And that’s why Emma is my best friend in the whole wide world. I chuckled. She’s really hyper when she’s excited.

“And ‘try out for cheerleading’ is going to be the second one”, she said with glee while jumping up the stairs.


I hate it when my ideas backfire at me.

I truly, truly hate it.


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Just wondering: Has anyone of you been in a food fight?

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