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Dear Diary,

Date with Dahlia was awesome. We decided to meet up again next weekend. I can't wait for it!

There was a moment when we went for dinner and Dahlia started talking about her family. It felt amazing to have siblings to joke around with or share secrets with. I have always wanted one.

Anyways.. Dahlia mentioned Danial! She was telling me about Danial's protectiveness towards his family members. He is also such a religious person that I don't know if I'm compatible in pairing up with him.

My heart felt heavy and heartbroken.

I don't think I can cover up. It happened to be the main priority on his list of a dream wife. Plus wearing a hijab will not make me any more a religious person. It takes time to be a good Muslimah. And I don't have time.

Maybe I should drop the thought of being with Danial. He definitely deserves better.



Dahlia have been talking non-stop about Sofea since they met. Actually Dahlia was indirectly telling Danial about Sofea's likes and dislikes. However Danial always tries to change the subject everytime she mentioned Sofea's name.

Dahlia sipped on her Ribena and smiled. "You know Sofea loves Ribena too! Finally someone I know loves Ribena."

"That's nice to know there's someone other than you who's weird," Danial mumbled as he reached for a prawn cracker without taking his eyes off the TV.

Dahlia's hand automatically slapped Danial's arm.

They were watching a boy reciting the verses of the Quran on the neighbouring country channel. The only show that Danial would sit and watched. If it were something else on the TV, give him ten minutes tops and he walked away.

Farah who sat beside Danial frowned at Dahlia in disapproval. "Dahlia..."

"What did I do?" Dahlia whined as she sat back in the couch and folded her arm over her chest.

"Subhanallah! This boy's voice is so good. I'll find someone who can recite like this for Dahlia."

"Abang! Please let me find my own husband," Dahlia protested.

Danial raised his eyebrows at Dahlia. "Please don't tell me you have someone in mind?"

"No!!" Dahlia frowned grew deeper. She rolled her eyes upwards and faced her mother. "Ummi! Please tell Abang to stop being a matchmake for me and go find a wife instead."

Farah sighed in resignation. "It's pointless. How about you go find someone for him?"

Dahlia almost jumped from the couch as she clapped her hands. "I would gladly do so if you want Ummi."

Farah smiled at Dahlia and glanced at a frowning Danial. "You have my permission. I'm going to bed now. Good night."

Farah kissed a grinning Dahlia on the cheeks and gave her salam. Then Danial stand up to give a kiss on the Farah's forehead. Farah walked away but stopped abruptly and turned towards them.

"Oh I forgot to inform. Dina will bring home Abu Bakar tomorrow. So please behave."

With that, Farah went in the room and shut the door, leaving Danial and Dahlia watching the TV.

"Oh! I can't wait to meet my future brother-in-law," Dahlia squeel with delight. She jumped up from the couch as she stretched and yawned. "Well, I better get some sleep. Good night Abang."

In God's Hand (Islam based) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now