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On Monday, April 11, I wake up at 6:45, an hour before I have to be at school . I get out of bed as quickly as I can and decide not to take a shower; I just don't have time.

I put on high-waisted denim shorts, a gray tank top, a beige-ish jacket, a white braided belt, and white low-top converse.

A put on a little bit of makeup, a natural eye look, minimal blush, and nude lipstick. I brush my hair out and put it into a loose side fishtail braid. I grab my phone, backpack, and sunglasses, and run down the steps. A grab a bagel from the kitchen and run to my car.

I start my car and drive to school. The bell has already rung by the time I get there, so I grab my stuff and hurry inside. I put my backpack in my locker and head to calculus, where I find everyone hanging out.

"Hey guys," I say.


"It took you long enough," Tobias says.

"Yeah, well I woke up at 6:45 so I didn't have time to take a shower, and I barely had enough time to do my hair and makeup."

"For you information, you look beautiful," he says while giving me a hug.

"Thank you," I say and kiss him. "I still can't believe I'm 18."

"Neither can I," Zeke says. "You're too short."

"Hey Zeke, I have a present for you!"

"Ooh! Present! Where?"

"Oh, look at that, it's right here," I say while flipping him off with one hand and pointing at it with the other.

He gives me a look of mock/real hurt.

"You deserved it, you called her short," Tobias says.

"He's right," everybody except for Zeke and Tobias says in unison.

I take my seat as soon as the five-minute bell rings. Everybody that's not in this class scurries out and to their own classes.

+ + +

It's lunch now, so I quickly get to the cafeteria and get into the lunch line. I grab a chicken burger, fries, a Pepsi, and a piece of Dauntless Cake. I pay for my lunch and walk over to the table where my friends are.

"Tomorrow I'm going off campus for lunch, I don't care if it's Chipotle, or Little Caesars, or whatever, I need something other than cafeteria food."

"Can't you just make your own lunch?" Christina asks.

"Who does that these days? Everyone either buys from the cafeteria, or goes off campus."

"Yeah, true. Hey, what are you wearing for prom?"

"I don't know. Four hasn't even asked me yet."

"It's a week from Saturday, so if I were him I would ask you ASAP so you can get your dress and he can get his tie and stuff."

"Yeah, I don't know why he's taking so long."

"Maybe he's trying to come up with a really good promposal."

"What the hell is a promposal?"

"It's when a boy asks a girl to prom, but he makes it really extravagant."

"Oh, those!"


Lunch ends, and we all head to our classes. The rest of the day passes quickly, and I go home while Tobias has to stay at school for baseball.

I park in my driveway and walk into my house with my phone and keys in my hand and my backpack over my shoulder. I put my stuff down on the couch and take my shoes off by the door. I turn on the tv, grab a soda from the fridge, and sit down on the couch.

I start my homework after awhile, really not wanting to.

+ + +

The bell rings, and I groan and get up from my comfortable spot on the couch.

I open the door, but nobody's there. I'm about to close the door but stop when I look down and see a bunch of red solo cups on the walkway.

There's a sign on my doormat that I hadn't noticed. It reads, "Don't let me go solo... PROM? -Tobias"

I smile when Koda, Tobias's 6 month old husky runs up to the door, trampling the red solo cups.

"Koda!" I say and pick him up. "Ugh, you're getting big boy." I scratch behind his ear and put him down.

Tobias shows up with a bouquet of red roses.

"Oh my god," I cover my face with my hand and he walks up to me.

"Hi," he says. "Hopefully you got to read the sign before Koda destroyed it."

"I did." I smile, my face heating up.

"So, Tris Diann Prior, would you like to go to prom with me next Saturday?"

"I'd love to," I say without a moment's hesitation. He hands the roses and I hug him, then I kiss him. Koda interrupts us by scratching at my leg. "What, boy? Do you want some lovins too?" I scratch him behind his ears.

"I better get Koda home. Mom's gonna freak if she get home and he's not there."

Tobias and his mom moved into an apartment in early March, because she didn't want to live in a huge house by herself when Tobias goes off to college. She wouldn't be alone though, and that's part of the reason why I think she got Koda in the first place; because she doesn't want to be alone. I can't blame Evelyn, no one wants to be alone. And for her, with Tobias being her only child and him moving to Arizona for college, I mean, it's gonna get lonely for her at times, even though Koda's gonna be there.

I kiss Tobias one more time and picks up Koda and leaves. I sit back on the couch and continue my homework.


Hey guys. I'm sorry I haven't been updating as much as I probably can. I'm just so swamped with my two sports. The good thing is that they'll be over this week so I can update more often. I'm hoping for 3-5 more chapters in this book, and I'm hoping for two more books.
I love you guys!💕🎀🌸🦄

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