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Tobias walks with Christina and I to math and I hate it when he has to start walking away. Chris eyes me suspiciously as we sit at our joint desk.

"What, Chris?" I ask, picking up my water bottle and flipping up the straw bit to take a sip.

"Nothing," she deadpans, but I see right through it.

"Four and I do like each other, alright? Im just not in the right place right now to have a relationship," I explain, pulling my graph paper notebook out of my backpack and opening it to the page that has the homework from last night.

"Girl, you're crazy. Any girl that Four could truly like would've locked him down by now," Christina counters taking out her own work.

"I don't doubt it," I concede pushing loose hairs behind my ear.
❭ ❭ ❭ ❭ ❭
We just got released from science, and thank god, because I couldn't stand one more second in that class. I tell Zeke to just head to the cafeteria and I'll catch up with in a bit, and I try to quickly weave through the bunches of people to get from S Hall to B Hall where Tobias is.

After what seems like forever, I find Tobias walking with Shauna.

"Hey guys," I say as I walk up to them.

"Oh, Tris!" Shauna exclaims happily. "Where's Zeke?"

"He should be in the cafeteria. I just wanted to steal Four for a bit," I answer.

"Okay, I'll just go to the cafeteria and see you guys later," she waves as she walks away.

"What do you need me for, Prior?" Tobias asks his fingers run down my arm and brush by my hand.

I look at my surroundings, all the people that seem to be going nowhere, and take Tobias's hand, leading him out to the parking lot.

We reach my Jeep and I stop beside it. I lean against the door of my car and move my hands up to his waist. Tobias widens his eyes at first, but then takes the cue and places one hand on my hip and the other cups my head. He leans down agonizingly slow, so I just eliminate the space between us and press my lips to his. We stay there for several minutes, kissing and not letting even an inch between us. When Tobias finally pulls away, a wave of disappointment runs through me.

Grabbing his hands and lacing our fingers, I murmur, "I changed my mind."

"Oh, really?" He retorts, chucking. "I had no idea."

"Well, I did. And I want to take a shot at this. I don't think I could physically handle just being friends anymore." The words jump out of my mouth, it was no use to try to control my heart.

Tobias smiles, closing in for another kiss.

We head back into the school, linked at the hands and both beaming. Sitting down at the lunch table, our friends throw curious looks our way, and I confirm their suspicions by taking Tobias's face in my hands and planting a quick kiss on his lips.

"So much for 'not ready for a relationship' huh, Tris?" Christina berates, but I don't pay any attention to it, I just look at Tobias.

Suddenly Zeke and Uriah say, "We should have a party Friday!"

"Sounds fun," I reply.

"Why not?" Tobias says.

"Okay," The girls and Will say.

We continue talking about the party and random things until the bell rings.

All of us walk down the halls together with the all of the girls attached to their boyfriends except for Lynn, who walks a little off to the side. And I walk at the back with Tobias, our pinkies hooked.

We get to Tori's classroom and take our seats. Today I guess we're just playing piano.

"Tris, is their anything musical that you're not good at?" Tobias asks me.

"Awww, Four, are you having trouble with the piano?" I say like I'm talking to a three year-old.

"Yes. Can you please help me Trissy-Poo?"

"Okay, a, never call me that again and b, yes, I will help you."

"Thank you!" He says as I sit down on the piano bench with him and kiss him on the cheek.

I play All of Me by John Legend. I start to sing and just get lost in the music.

When I finish, I realize everyone has stopped playing and is looking at me with awe.

"What?" I say, "Haven't you ever heard someone sing before?" With that one comment everyone goes back to playing the piano.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry this chapter took so long!!! I tried to update on Tuesday but I just wasn't motivated to write... I just finished Allegiant on Monday and I started TFIOS on Thursday soo yeah....

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