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I have decided to go to Paris. I decided this this morning at about three am while I was trying to fall back asleep.

I have three days to pack everything and tell the gang. I'll probably tell Tobias first. I don't know, I might not even tell anyone.

No, I can't do that. I have to tell someone. But who?

I'm torn from my thoughts when there's a knock on my door.

"Tris? Sweetie, can I come in?"


Mom walks in and sits on my unmade bed. "I was just wondering if you've decided yet."

"Uh, yeah, I'm going to Paris."

"Oh, great! I'll get your plane ticket and tell Michael." She hugs me and runs out of my room. Micheal is supposedly the photographer.

💠🔸-2 days later-🔸💠
It's almost eight, and I'm finishing packing for Paris. I put one of my last outfits into the suitcase.

The window opens and I jump. I turn, seeing Tobias in front of me. I still haven't told him, and I'm leaving tomorrow at eight am.

"You scared me," I say.

"I tend to do that sometimes," he chuckles.

"Tobias, why are you here right now? I, er, have, um, stuff to do," I stutter.

"Maybe I just wanted to see my gorgeous girlfriend." I blush. "Ok, I came over here because I have to get something off my chest. You should probably sit down."

I sit on the side of my bed and he kneels on the floor.

He grabs my hands and sighs. "I haven't been completely honest, and I'm sorry for that. But anyway, um, you know when you were sick about a five or six months ago, and Uriah and Zeke had a party?"

"I remember."

"Well, I wanted to stay with you, but you told me to go. So I went, and I um, sorta kinda got drunk."

"Tobias, where is this story going?" I say, anxious.

"There was this girl, and being drunk, I thought she was you, and I kissed her." Tears well in my eyes. "Then I woke up next to her in one of Zeke and Uriah's guest bedrooms."

I'm crying now.

"You cheated on me?!" I say through the tears. "And you slept with her?! I thought you loved me!"

"Tris, I do! I love you with all my heart. I was drunk, and I thought she looked like you. I wouldn't've done it if I knew it was someone else."

"You still did it, you still cheated on me."

"Tris-" he glances behind me, noticing the suitcase. "Apparently I wasn't the only one not being honest."

"Tobias, I was going to tell you!" I yell, still crying.

"Oh yeah? When?" he asks.

"I don't know! I've been waiting for the right time, it just hasn't come up yet!"

"Where are you going?"


"For how long?"

"Two months."

"Tris! I can't be without you for that long! You heard what it was like for me when you were in the coma!"

"You clearly don't need me, go be the perfect boyfriend to the girl you cheated on me with!" I yell through more tears.

"I don't want to be her boyfriend!" He yells back.

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