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Junior year is finally over!

Zeke and Uriah had a party last night, so we're all in their living room either laying on the couches or the floor watching the Harry Potter marathon on ABC Family.

I have my hair in Tobias's lap and he's playing with my hair.

Tobias brings me home around 7, and I kiss him before running inside.

My mom stops me before I can run up the stairs. "Tris, can you come here for a second? I need to tell you something."

I walk to the kitchen and jump on the island.

"Ok, so I got you a modeling job for my new clothing line. I know that you haven't liked modeling in the pa-"

"Really? A modeling job?! For me?! I'd love to!"

"Yes, but there are 2 things that you probably aren't gonna like."


"The first thing is that it's in Paris."

"Paris? Like Paris, France?! Why wouldn't I like that?!"

"Here's the part that makes it unlikable, it's a two month modeling job."

My stomach drops. "Two months? How could I leave Tobias and all of my friends for two months?"

"You don't have to do it honey, but your father and I will be there, so it'll just be you and Caleb if you decide to stay. But this is the kind of stuff you want to do right? Modeling, I mean."

"Yeah, I want to model, sort of. But how could I leave... my life pretty much. My life's in Chicago, Mom."

"Like I said, you don't have to do this. It's totally up to you. I'd just think about it and sleep on it if I were you. You'll have to decide by the 22nd." She gives me a hug and walks out of the kitchen.

I put my head in my hands and sigh before hopping off the island and heading up the stairs to my room.

What about going to the boys' baseball games? What about going to Zeke and Uriah's parties? What about spending time with my boyfriend and the rest of my friends?

I plop onto my bed and fall asleep almost instantly.

I wake up around 10:30. I get out of bed to get dressed.

I put on a coral bikini top with black bikini bottoms, a pink tank top that says, "Beach Please," and denim shorts. I slip on coral vans and grab my computer and phone before heading downstairs.

I open my computer and get onto Netflix to watch Glee. Don't tell anyone, but I'm obsessed with Glee. (A/N: I ❤️ GLEE!!! Ok, continue👉🏼)

Right as I start the 6th episode of the 5th season, someone pops up behind me.

"Watching Glee?" I jump and turn around.

"Oh my god, Uriah! Don't do that!" I shout and slap his arm. The rest of the gang runs into the living room, everybody is here except for Lynn. Hm...

Tobias run over to me and puts me on his shoulder before I can kiss him. I prop my elbows on his back, and watch as he takes me to my backyard. Wait, my pool's in my backyard!

Just as I realize that, I'm submerged into cool pool water, which is a nice transition from the hot sun.

I swim up to the surface, greeted with the face of Tobias Eaton. I stick my hand out for him to help me out of the pool, but pull him in at the last second.

"You better be glad I didn't have my phone in my pocket!" I say, pointing at him.

"I am." I kiss him, before having ice and freezing cold water dumped on me.

"What the hell?!" I look up and see Lynn running away with a bucket in her hands. "Lynn!"

Uriah stops me before I can run after Lynn to metaphorically kill her.

"Tris, you just survived the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, how do you feel?" He says in a TV newscaster voice.

"Pissed off," I answer.

"Ooh! Tris you feisty!" Shauna says. I raise my eyebrows at her. "Uh, haha um, just forget I said anything," she walks to the edge of the pool and jumps in. I shake my head and run after Lynn.

After hours of pool games, water balloon and water gun fights, and chasing, we're all outside surrounding the campfire making s'mores. I'm leaning against Tobias, and he has his arm wrapped protectively around my shoulders.

I look at Tobias and say, "I love you."

He looks back at me and replies, "I love you too." He kisses my head and grabs the marshmallow roasting stick thingy from Uriah. He puts two marshmallows on and sets it near the fire.

Not a minute later, both marshmallows are on fire.

"Oh my god! Four, blow it out!" He tried blowing out the fire, but there's still a little spark left.

Meanwhile, Will is getting choked by all of the smoke flying at his face.

"Oh, Will! It means you're the most beautiful person here!" Marlene jokes.

"Hah-" he starts coughing, "ha, ver-" more coughing, "-y funny Mar."

"It's actually pretty funny, baby," Christina joins their conversation. Will just playfully sticks his tongue out at her and she does the same. They kiss and Tobias manages to get the marshmallows under control.

The marshmallows are completely black, so I take one and throw it at Christina and Will to get them stop kissing.

"Really, Tris? You and Four can't keep your hands off each other!" she says, and I just put my head on Tobias's shoulder.

I wake up in my bed next to Tobias the next morning, not remembering how I got there.

I must've fallen asleep and Tobias must've carried me up the stairs to my room, and he must've been too tired to climb into his room from the window. I wonder if the rest of the gang I asleep downstairs.

I decide to wake Tobias up, so I kiss him softly.

"Tris," he groans, "five more minutes!"

"Fine by me, but you're gonna miss the chocolate chip pancakes."

"Chocolate chip pancakes?!" he shoots up, fully awake.

"I was kidding," I laugh. "I just wanted you to wake up so I could do this," I kiss him, and he kisses back.

My life is perfect right now.

Except for the decision to go to Paris, or to stay here.

A/N: oh my gersh! 1064 words! I'm am so truthfully and honestly sorry that I haven't updated until now, this chapter should've been published Sunday or Monday, but I just haven't been motivated to write...

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