The beginning of a awkward situation.

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I showed now signs of fear because I realized that Mr Lockwood was very good at reading physical behavior.
I sat down at a moderate paste and said "Yes sir?"

He gave me one look stood up and reached a for a book on one of the shelves. He gave it to me and said "I noticed you like reading, not many teenages do."
"Reading is the only way I can escape and be in a happy place, living someone else's life Sir"
"I want you to read this book and when you done come back to me and tell me what you think"

I took the book. I wiped it because it was a bit dusty. I looked at saw "The Pride and The Prejudice"

I was confused but didn't question his judgment nor actions. "Thank you Mr Lockwood"
"Oh, Alexa if Kelly asks just say I shouted at you."
I turned back and smiled
"Alexa one more thing, you can call me Kevin"

I walked out his office and straight into my room. I was exhausted, I got in bed and took a nap realizing I still had to finish my homework.
I got out of bed walked over to the desk and started with my homework.

*45 minutes later*
Tate came into my room, "Alexa its time to eat, I'm starving and the food smells good" I got up and walked down stairs to the dinning area. I sat down and waited for Mr Lockwood or Kevin to come to the table so we can all start to eat.
Mr Lockwood came and we prayed.
Then after everyone started dishing.

Mrs Lockwood:"So guys how was school today ?"

Kelly:"Agh, terrible Grayson broke up with Lauren today! She was crying her eyes out in the bathroom" *she looks over at me

Ryan:"It was okay"

Me:"Okay I guess, I went to Ethan's house to finish our assignment, and that's about it"

Mr Lockwood:" Kelly isn't that the boy that you always talk about Ethan Daylan?"

Kelly:"DAD! No! Its Grayson that I talk about and it's Dolan not Daylan!"


Its my phone, I checked to see who sent me a text it was Grayson. I opened the message unaware of the fact Kelly was sitting next to me looking at my phone while I opened the text. She saw it was Grayson that texted me and made a remark

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