I Refuse to Fall in Love with Him

Start from the beginning

“Ugh! He’s so annoying,” I huffed, trying to ignore the whistles coming from behind us.

“Wow Sereya, you can be so dense sometimes. It’s so obvious that Austin likes you. Any girl in the whole school would be ecstatic to be in your position right about now,” Asia said. I rolled my eyes, not wanting to believe her.

There was no way, no how I was going to fall for Austin Jackson. He’s the school’s most popular guy, and any girl’s dream. But I’ve heard about him, just when you think you’re in love, he cheats on you and breaks your heart. I just couldn’t do it. I refuse to look into his deep, chocolate eyes. I refuse to glance at his adorable smile with the dimples in his cheeks. I refuse to even so much as say one little word to Austin Jackson. But most of all, I refuse to fall in love with him!!!

Austin’s POV:

I gawked at Sereya as she swayed down the hallway. I’m pretty sure it was rude of me to approach her that way, but the girl was bad! She wasn’t all “show-and-tell” about it like my girlfriend Angel, but she had a nice figure and a confident attitude. I don’t know what it is, but something about Sereya had me really intrigued. Maybe it was how she didn’t drool over me like other girls or how she didn’t purposely throw herself at me…literally. Whatever it is, I could tell that she had me hooked.

Before I could reach it to class, my cell phone vibrated. I checked the hallway to make sure it was clear of teachers. When I only saw a couple of students making out, I took out my iPhone and opened up the text from Angel. I smiled, already knowing what she wanted.

Bored out of my mind! Meet me behind the bleachers ASAP. ~ImATen

I chuckled at my predictable girlfriend; she was always trying to get me out of class.

I’m already late…why not just being a little later to class? You can’t get later than late.

* * * * *

I pulled away from Angel, but she just leaned back in to kiss me.

“Babe…,” I tried to back away from her once more.

Her hands wandered down my chest; she was absolutely ignoring my request to stop. We had been out here for about a good fifteen minutes, and I was getting annoyed.

“Angel! Chill,” I said, gently pushing her off of my lap.

She pouted and rolled her eyes. “Like you weren’t having a nice time,” she grunted.

I sucked my teeth. “I didn’t say I wasn’t, but that’s enough. I already have detention on Saturday morning. I don’t want to get in trouble again.”

A frown spread across her face and I grabbed her hands and held them. “Oh come on! We had our fun already. Enough is enough,” I said softly. She sighed and I led her back towards the school doors.

“Why do you have detention anyways,” she asked.

“I bumped into that girl Sereya on my way to class and Principal Brown found us in the hallway and gave us detention for being late.”

She immediately froze in her tracks. I looked back at her confused. “What?”

“Are you talking about Sereya Williams? The smarty pants in our first period,” she demanded.

I was still lost. “Yeah…why?”

She rolled her eyes. “I don’t like that girl,” she said, meeting back up with me.

I chuckled in an amused way. “Why? What did she do to you?”

“She didn’t do anything to me. I just don’t like the vibe I get from her,” Angel exclaimed.

I wriggled my eyebrows in confusion and looked at Angel through my peripheral. She sounded like a certified nut!

“You don’t like the vibe you get from her?”

She nodded. “Yeah. I don’t know; it’s something about her goody-two shoes act. She’s made the principal’s honor roll ever since middle school and all these guys practically adore her. They say it’s something about the kind of personality she has or some crap like that. The last guy I talked to said that she’s not like other girls because she doesn’t bring drama along with her.” Angel shrugged. “I don’t think that’s the case. There is no way that all those guys like her because of her personality! Guys aren’t attracted to things like that. No boy wants an innocent chick. I’m pretty sure under her angelic camouflage she’s some type of a dirty freak!”

Yup, I’m positive that my girlfriend is a nut!

I examined Angel. By the scrunched up look she had displayed on her face, I’m positive that she was being absolutely serious. The emotions she expressed hid none of the hatred she felt towards Sereya.

“If you say so,” I managed to say.

She snorted. “Well, that’s how I see it.”

Yeahhh…behind all that jealousy and paranoia, I’m sure that’s exactly how you see it.

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