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When Kaylee waved to David, he waved back and smiled. Suddenly, he turned into a big, black, crow, and flew off back down the abandoned road. Kaylee gasped out of shock. 'Well, suits his name.',she thought. Then five cop cars surrounded her driveway. She knew her grandparents and parents would call the cops. After all, she did leave early in the afternoon to go for a walk and now it was night time, almost morning. Her grandparents and parents pulled up in the black suburban to run over to her. "Where were you?! We've been worried sick!!", her mother screamed as she cried and hugged her. Would they believe the truth? That she had been stuck in a haunted mansion fighting off evil spirits and lifting a centries old curse, and solving a centries old mystery? No, better go with,"I was at my friend Jessica's house. We were going to call but I couldn't find my cell phone and her parents were g one, so we had no phone to use.", Kaylee said. "What are you wearing?!", her mother said in a shocked voice. Dang it! She didn't realise she was still wearing the goregous red gown from the mansion. "Um, we had an early Halloween party.", she nervously said. "Get in the house.", her mother commanded,"And we will discuss your punishment later." 

  Kaylee wished her mom would lighten up. Sure her mom was stressed because of the grandparents living with them in their medum sized house, and sure she did not let them know where she was and didn't come home until twilight, but did she have to take it out on her? Kaylee breathed out a sigh, and walked into the house with a frown on her face. "Grace, at least she came home. That's the important thing. You don't have to punish her. She came home.", Kaylee's grandpa reasoned with her mom. "Fine but she's not comming out of this house unless someone goes with her.", she protested. And they sent the cops home and went inside the house. Meanwhile, Kaylee was upstairs, admiring her 'new' music box. She opened it to hear the song that William had sung to her,'Grim Grinning Ghosts.' And there was a note in the music box.

'Hurry Back.

We've been dying to have you. Be sure to bring your death certificate when you decide to join us.'

  Kaylee smiled, and shut the music box. There was a knock at her door. It was her stepdad. "Ok, so where were you really?", he said with a laugh. Kaylee laughed and opened the music box again. This time, it started to play different music. It was familiar. She thought about it and then instantly knew it was the waltz from the mansion that she danced with William. A bunch of images poped up in Kaylee's head of her dancing with William and them floating in the night sky. Kaylee smiled to herself, "Ok, so you really wanna know?" "Yeah.", he said with a laugh. Then Kaylee told him about her adventures at the haunted mansion in fine detail. 

  A few weeks later a report was out about a little boy discovering a hidden mansion that was supposedly 'haunted' with friendly ghosts.

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