The Key to the Truth

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As soon as Kaylee closed the door behind her, she noticed a female voice in the room with her. "Wizards and witches, wherever you dwell, give us a hint by ringing the bell. Serpents and spiders tail of a rat, call in the spirits wherever they're at. Rap on a table it's time to respond send us a messege from somewhere beyond. Gobblins and ghoulies from last halloween, awaken the spirits with your tambourine. ", the powerful ghostly voice commanded. "Um, mam, I I, I.....I'm lost and I need to know to get out of here. Could you help me?", Kaylee still had the hebbie jebbies. The woman's voice kept on reciting the same thing,"Creepies and Crawlies, toads in a pond, let there be music from regions beyond." "Uh, mam, I hear you but I don't see you. Where are you?", Kaylee desparately looked around for the ghostly woman, "Ok, guess she's like him. Ok can you please tell me how to get out of here......", she turned and saw a woman's head inside of a crystal ball leavatating. Kaylee held back her scream, and breathed franticly trying to get some clarity for what she had seen and heard. 'Ok, Kaylee breathe. It's just a ladie's head inside a giant crystal ball. She could be realatively normal. Just ask her a question.', Kaylee's frantic mind reasoned. But the women's stare look right through her, as if she didn't even see her there.

"Wizards and witches wherever you dwell, give us a hit by ringing the bell. Sepents and spiders, tail of a rat call in the spirits wherever they're at. Rap on a table, it's time to respond, send us a messege from somewhere beyond. Gobblins and ghoulies from last halloween, awaken the spirits with your tambourine. ", she kept on chanting. "Uh, I gotta go, bye.", Kaylee said out of fear. She ran out of the door and into what looked like another hallway, but one with stairs. She couldn't imagine going back into that room with the disembodied woman, so she ran down the stairs and found another door. She opened it to find stables for horses. Accept there were none to be found. She heard them, but didn't see them. "Ghost horses.", she whispered to herself. She walked through the stables and into what looked like the beginings of a cemetary. As she walked further and further into the cemetery she had the feeling that she was being followed.

He saw her. His Giselle was finally close and he could practically feel her embrace. But something seemed off. She was scared and disoriented, and.......confused? Why did his Giselle feel and look so lost? And what the devil was she wearing? Something told him she wasn't his Giselle after studying her for a while. But why did she have the same face as his Giselle? He initial instinct was to ask her this himself but she was frightened and he did not want to frighten her further. So he hid and followed her though the endless maze of tombstones.

Kaylee was a little more than upset and frustrated. Where would she find the beginning of the fence or the gate? All she wanted to do was go home, even if it meant she'd have to listen to her grandparents argue about her parents. Anything was better than this. She made it to a moselliem. And a great big tombstone when she finally sighed and rested. Suddenly, there was a sound comming from behind a tombstone. Kaylee walked over to where the sound could've been, "Alright, show yourself! I'm not gonna play any games! I've been seeing grusome things tonight, and I'm sick and tired of feeling afraid!" "Your sounds just like her.", he came from a bush behind her. She jumped to see a man about her age, wearing a servent's clothes. He also had the same face as her boyfriend back home, same blueish green eyes and kind smile. "Sam, what are you doing here?", Kaylee ran up to him and hugged him,"better yet, what are you wearing?" She laughed as she let go of him. "I'm sorry, but I do not know who you are talking about. Who is this, Sam?", he sounded confused. "Sam, I'm not about to play this game! I just had a freak show back there with a woman's head that was inside a crystal ball!!", Kaylee began. "You mean, Madame Leota?", he said. "Oh so you know her name but you don't know mine?!", Kaylee was just about to go nuts,"This is insane, Sam, and if you think this is some sort of joke, then-" "Sssshhhhhh. Someone's comming.", he pulled her to the side and behind a tombstone. Kaylee felt a blush on her cheeks as she was being held in his arms. She heard very distinctly, a heartbeat. Her heart sped up and stuttered. Then the sound of the the steady heatbeat passed. She took a gulp and cleared her throat. "Constance. It's alright, she's gone. You're safe.", he said as he gazed into her eyes with uncontrollable passion and love. "Th-thank you.", Kaylee stuttered,"Who is Constance?" "She's the bloody reason this place is cursed. If you sneak up on her and suprise her, you will surely be dead.", he warned her. "Sam, this whole act of yours is sort of creeping me out. Why are you acting like this?", Kaylee nervously asked.

Haunted(haunted)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें