The Light

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"Kaylee? KAYLEE!! Don't do this! Don't leave us!!", William's frantic voice shouted. Master Gracey was grimfaced and silent behind William. Just then, they heard Madame Leota's voice from across the room. "The light will lead the way. Follow it and do not stray. Bring her fourth! Release her! Release us all!! Giselle come fourth!!", Madame Leota chanted. Suddenly an errie blue glowing light appeared and went all the way to Kaylee's chest. Then Kaylee's heart beated once more. She slowly opened her eyes, "What happened?" Then she saw a young woman who was completely identical to her looking down at her with a smile. "Giselle?", Kaylee said nervously. "Yes it is me.", she said in a french accent. "I'm not dead am I?", Kaylee asked. "No, you are not.", she said in a french accent as she helped her up. Giselle was wearing a gold dress with pink rosettes on it. She smiled again and took Kaylee's hand in hers, "Thank you. For lifting this curse. I don't know how many centries have passed since I've been stuck in this spell, but I am greatful." "What happened to you, Giselle? How did you....", Kaylee began. " Die? Well, I was walking in the cemetery to visit my parents when I heard someone yelling. I looked over to see who it was and it was Madame Leota and Constance. They were arguing about Master Gracey. Constance was going to kill him and Madame Leota didn't want her to. The next thing I knew was Madame Leota......had been killed. I was in such a shock I screamed, and she saw me.....and.....she ripped my heart out of my chest.", Giselle explained. "Giselle? Is that you?", Daisy ran into the room.

"Yes it's me!!", she smiled at her sister. "I've missed you so much!!", she ran and threw her arms around her. They both laughed with delight as they embraced each other. Kaylee smiled, and was helped up by Master Gracey, "I truely want to say I'm sorry for not believing you about the curse and Constance. If it were not for you, this curse would not be lifted. Thank you.", he said with a smile. "You're welcome, Master Gracey.", Kaylee said happily as she shook his hand. He then pulled her into a hug, and said thank you again. "Well, I guess that's that.", William said as he walked over to Kaylee. " Yeah. You have your love back, and the curse is lifted. So, question is.....what now? I mean what are we supposed to do now?", Kaylee said as she laughed. "Well, I'm thinking, and this is just a guess, that we,", he pointed to Daisy, Giselle and himself,"shall go fourth to the light, and then, who knows what." Kaylee smiled and nodded,"Yeah I figured it would be somewhere along the lines of that." "Thank you.", he then proceeded to kiss her cheek. "You're welcome.", she whispered as a tear fell down her opposite cheek. He wiped it away,"We will see each other again." He walked back to Giselle and Daisy, and they all vanished and turned into bright lights floating up and out of the house into.......heaven? She then saw a bunch of other ghosts do the same thing. Kaylee wondered why Master Gracey was still here,"Aren't you and Madame Leota going to move on to the light?" "She can not move on, therefore, I can not move on. We shall try to see if there is a way to reach the light, and break her curse. The curse was so powerful, it lingered on Constance, and Madame Leota.", Master Gracey said with a sigh. "So,........wait a sec.......does that mean that Cosntance is still around?", Kaylee nervously asked. "Yes, but needn't you worry about her. We will care for this house and see to it that she does not harm a living soul again.", he spoke with purpose.

Kaylee sighed and nodded,"Ok." "Oh, and I believe these are yours.", he said as he motioned for a servant ghost to come with a huge purple and navy trunk. She then opened it to see all the dresses, shoes and accessories from the room she got ready for the ball in the trunk. Also a cherry wood music box, and matching hair brush. "Oh, my.", she said with suprise and happiness in her voice,"Are you sure I can have....." "Of course. It is the very least we can do for you breaking the mansion's curse, and revealing the truth.", he said with a smile. He walked over to Madame Leota and held her in his hands,"We shall be fine. You needn't worry about us." Kaylee breathed in a sigh and nodded as she saw them vanish. The servant carried the heavy trunk for her as they walked out of the Mansion. She looked over her sholder at the old house and sighed. Would they really be alright? "What's the matter miss?", the servant asked. "Well, I guess I just hoped I could have helped them a bit more that's all.", she said as they walked out of the gate and down the abandoned dirt path towards civilization. It was still night out but in a few hours, the sun would come up. "They will carry on. At least they know the truth now.", he smiled. " Yeah, I supose you're right. What is your name?", Kaylee asked him. "David Johnathan Crow, mam.", he said. "I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but why are you and a few others still around when so many ghosts have moved on towards the light?", Kaylee asked. "Well, mam, most of us can not depart that mansion, because we hold it dear. It IS our light.", he smiled. She nodded and smiled. 'Home sweet home.', she thought. They then made it to her street, and went up to her front porch. The light wasn't on, and the house was locked. Luckly, she had the key to the house in the pocket of her jean shorts, that were in the trunk with the over dresses.

She had to open the trunk, and get out the shorts that were neatly folded next the her hoodie and 'new' music box. She opened the door and no one was home. They then went upstairs to her room were David sat the trunk down by the window in the corner of her room. "Thank you.", she said with a smile. "It was my pleasure, miss.", he bowed to her and walked downstairs. She followed him of course, and waved at him when he walked to the street.

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