Here Comes the Bride

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Constance's eyes were a deadly shade of greyish blue like the color of an icy grave, and her messy blonde hair was pulled up into a messy updo, her veil was holey and her 'white' bridal gown was so dirty it almost looked grey. She gracefully made her way down to where the party was. "Who didn't invite me to this.........festivity?", she looked around for the culprit. And rested her eyes on Kaylee,"You. Have we met? I just can't put my finger on the name.......Gill. Ganine? Genie? Grace? Gabby?", she went down the list of 'G' names as Kaylee pushed William behind her as if she could protect him. "You've got to help me out here! What. Is. Your. Name?", she asked Kaylee.

"What do you want, Constance?", Kaylee asked. "What do I want? Hum, I. ......want a diamond ring, a huge house complete with horses, tons of dresses and hats and shoes, .......and.........and explaination as to why I am dead and not alive.", she yelled the last bit at Kaylee's face. Kaylee's heart was beating fast as she tried to calm herself and look Constance in the pasty whiteish grey face. "Do you know? Do you?", she asked again and agian. "No, I do not know.", Kaylee calmly said as she shook her head. Constance just laughed and laughed like a mad woman. When she quit laughing, she looked serious and deadly. "I do know this.", Kaylee said,"You've killed all of your husbands most of them with a little ax. And you did it all to steal their fourtunes and become the rich little hussy you've always wanted to be, that is until you spent all their fourtunes, and waited until your next victum was on the market. What I want to know, is how you can do it. How can you look them in the eye, lie to them, and then kill them and then say to yourself that it's ok to spend all of their money." "Well it sounds horrible when you say it like that! It sounds so....seriously though............I'm dead now and I wanna know WHY!!", she shouted. "Maybe because all of that money wasn't yours to take in the first place. And those poor men. They didn't have a chance to find their real true love because you killed them everytime you wed them. Karma is a funny thing. You had it comming.", Kaylee said with discust.

"Well, when you don't have a heart, don't care. Those are very unfair things to say about me young lady. I'll have you know I did care very much for each of my husbands, I saved a very special part of them in a box and I didn't let their bodies go to waste. I saved each and every one of them. Each...........unique and................interesting man held his own. And when everyone thought that I was going home alone, really wasn't. Not with my nine husbands around. It was just the very beginning of my spree, you see. And I got to be woman of the house, and I liked it that way. Master Gracey was going to be my tenth husband! We were going to be inseparable. That is until the honeymoon. Then that gypsy placed a curse upon this house. Oh yes! I saw it with my own eyes! She was just about to say the last incantation of the spell before I decapitated her. So now that there's no curse, I end up dead? It doesn't make any sense! I never miss calculate, unless she already did the spell, and I was too late! Stupid gypsy woman!! I'm glad she's dead!! I'm glad that I stuffed her head in that giant crystal ball!", She raged and ranted. Master Gracey came down the stairs to sneek up behind her.

"I'm glad to know the truth now.", he simply said, causing Constance to jump,"And I am termendously glad that this marrige is annuled."She was very much caught off guard and didn't know what to say. She always knew what to say! This time, for the first time in centuries, she wasn't prepared for being caught simply because she never got caught. Until now. "You all will regret this!!", she grunted in rage. She then screamed a horrific blood curtaling scream and her eyes turned black!!! Everyone jumped back at the sight of her. Her skin started to glow a ghostly green glow, and right where her heart was, it glowed red and beated loud. Seconds after her scream, the dark spirits from the grave whipped through the air screaming horrific screams, and finally stopped flying so fast and began to materialize behind Constance. All you could hear was the ghostly heart beat of the dark bride and the screams of the ghosts that backed away from her. "Constantce?", Kaylee nervously chattered. "She's.....", William tried to think of the right words to say. "Under a spell.", Master Gracey finished his sentence. "Madame Leota's spell, it was so strong it lingered on Constance. But how do we break the curse?", Kaylee asked with horror as Constance and the distorted souls floated closer to them. All of the other ghosts scattered out of the room, and the distorted ghosts surounded them. 'It's over. Your life is about to end.', Kaylee thought to herself. William was guarding her as well as Master Gracey,  and Constance about grabbed William by the throat, when Kaylee pushed him to the side. 

  Constance then, put her hand through Kaylee's chest and squeezed her heart. As painful as it was,Kaylee didn't cry, but she screamed in pain. Constance let go and vanished, as did all of the distorted ghosts. Kaylee fell to the ground. Yep. She knew it. Her life was about to end. Did she truely stop Constance and the curse? Or did she screw things up further? If she died, would she come back as a ghost? Probebly. Was there a place called limbo or pergatory? She didn't know. She didn't even know if she would materialize at the mansion or at her new house. She knew her grandparents and parents had probebly called the police and were searching for her, but she didn't know when they would give up their search. All that she knew was that she didn't have any time left to say good bye, so she closed her eyes.

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