Chapter 50 - K-i-s-s

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Violetta's POV

I heard the doorbell ringing. I ran downstairs to open the door. The girls were telling me to calm down, but I just couldn't. I am so so so so so so so happy!

I opened the door and Leon was standing there, in a suit. He looked soooo handsome! He was holding a bouquet of wonderful roses

"Hello Vio-Wow you look...just perfect! I can't say anything! Words are not enough for you!" He said to which I blushed

"Thanks. You look really handsome too" I said and he gave me the flowers

"Some beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl" He said and I smiled

"Awww thanks" I said and took them.

I walked to the kitchen and placed them in an empty vase.

I walked back to Leon.

"You really look beautiful tonight" He said and I blushed again

"Thank you Leon"

"You don't have to thank me. All I do is to tell the truth, nothing more" He said

That moment, I didn't hold my self. I ran and hugged him tight.

"Thank you so much. You are here for me anytime I need you"

"Always" He said

I can't wait to spend this amazing night with him.

"Awww" Some people said behind us.

And imagine who were they. Fran and Cami of course.

We pulled away and looked at them

"What? You look so cute together!" They said

"Erm...right" I said awkwardly

"Don't worry, shall we go, my princess?" He asked

The words "my princess" made my face lit up and smiled to him.

"We shall" I said and he returned the smile.

Leon, I and the girls walked out of the house and the girls left.

Leon walked with me to his car, and he opened the passenger's door for me. What a gentleman!

I sat in and Leon came from the other side.

He started the car and drove somewhere I didn't know.

"Leon? Where are we going?" I asked

"It's a surprise"

"A surprise?"

"Yes. And I planned everything" He said to which I smiled

After a long ride, Leon and I arrived at...the beach?

"Leon? We're at the beach?"

"Yeah. I decided to spent more time with you somewhere quiet, and only hear the sea, nothing more" He said

"Awww so sweet!" I said

We got out of the car. Leon grabbed my hand and we walked together.

"I'm so happy I'm here with you" I said and looked at him while we were walking

"You can't imagine" He said and I smiled

Leon and I soon walked on the sand, enjoying the view of the sea.

"Where are we going Leon?"

"You'll see princess" He said

After a while of walking and staring at each other sometimes, I saw from far a picnic blanket.

There were candles around it, and they smelled like roses, a smell I love.

It was right next to the sea, so we could enjoy hearing the sea splash on the sand a lot.

I smiled at Leon and we walked to the blanket.

We sat down and I stared at Leon.

"Thank you so much Leon. You can't imagine how important this is to me" I said

"Violetta, I waited a while until I was ready to forgive you, and now I am. I want to express my love for you with everything I can do"

"You're so sweet. I don't know what did I do to meet a wonderful guy like you"

"You know Violetta, if you never came here, I would still be with Ludmila, I would bully people, I would never hang out with Maxi, who is a good friend, Ludmila would never change and find true love and I would live a terrible life without any love in it. But after you came, everything changed. I instantly felt the sparks I never felt with Ludmila. I instantly fell in love with you, even if at the beggining I didn't admit it. I'm the happiest person on earth, because you came in my life" He said and I immediately blushed like crazy and smiled widely to him.

"Leon, I'm the happiest person on earth, because I found you. I couldn't say it before, but now, my feelings for you are really really strong, and I can't deny it. I fall in love with you all over again when I'm with you, even as friends. And that's the big truth. Leon, I'm so glad we cleared this out and you forgave me. Believe me, I was crazy when you did. The girls were bored of me, because I told them all the time how happy I was. I'm glad I found you" I said and he smiled, pulling me into a tight hug, which I will never forget.

After a few seconds we pulled away and decided to eat. Leon took out everything that was in the basket, and we started to eat.

After a while, we finished. The eating part was silence, but full of glances and stares at each other.

I looked at the sea. It was so peaceful. The water splashed into the golden sand, making a sound that you could sleep with.

Everything was amazing. The place, the food, the moment...Only one perfect thing missed

I looked back at Leon. He smiled and I returned it.

He grabbed my hands and came closer. I came closer too.

I could feel my heart beating faster and faster than anytime, like a billion times a second.

Soon our foreheads touched, and I could feel his hot breath on my neck. Seriously, I think I'm going to faint!

I closed my eyes and decided to enjoy the moment. This time, nothing could destroy it. It was our moment. And this time it would happen.

I would have my first kiss with the love of my life, and everything would be fine. Nothing would be able to break us up, nothing and no one in this world.

I felt him coming closer. His lips were brushing mine. It would happen. My very first kiss. With Leon.

And then, it happened. Our lips touched, for the first time, matching perfect with each other.

Fireworks were exploding everywhere and the sparks flew around us. It felt like I was in heaven. And I thought I was.

All the times we were together, our almost kisses, our hugs, the times we sang together, all the memories came back.

And trust me, it felt wonderful. Like every piece of my heart was put in the perfect place.

Then I stopped thinking. And just enjoyed the moment...

I'm in love with my bully (Leonetta)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin