Chapter 17 - A new arrival

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V i o l e t t a

Later, the same day, I was walking out of class, lost in my thoughts. I moved to my locker and placed my stuff inside, closing it with a loud 'clap'.

Leon and Ludmila's relationship news still stung like knives.

I walked away from my locker, not paying attention to anything, my mind far away from the place I was. How did he move on so easily? A question I had asked myself a hundred times today.

My mind wandering off, I stumbled while walking and bumped into someone.

I raised my head to look at the person, and it was a boy. A tall boy, with dark brown hair, wearing a jacket and white jeans, a confused look on his face as he took in his surroundings. He didn't look from around here, and I definitely hadn't seen him before at the Studio.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going.." I apologized quickly, not wanting to leave a bad first impression.

His eyes took me in and he smiled lightly, "It's okay, don't worry about it. I'm new here too." So I was right.

"Oh, I see," I mumbled, "I just had a bad day and, sorry, that's all.." I trailed off.

He shook his head. "It's fine, really. And don't think about whatever's on your mind too much. You'll make it  worse." Since when was he my advisor?

I appreciated the gesture, though. "Thanks, I guess." I grinned.

"I'm Federico, or you can call me Fede.  Most people do." He shrugged and he looked so casual about it that I immediately liked him, him and his personality.

"I'm Violetta, Violetta Castillo. Are you from Buenos Aires?" I asked, and just as I imagined, he wasn't.

He sighed as if he remembered something good, "No, I'm from Italy, but I moved here because I got a scholarship. My family's good friends with Antonio, and he agreed to it." Oh, I see, I see. We've got a new talent here. "And wait, did you say Castillo?"

I nodded, confused as to why he was asking. His eyes lit up and he smiled brightly.

"My family have been good friends with yours since they were young, and they've recently contacted Herman to ask him if I could stay in your house. He agreed," He told me, and to say I was left surprised was an understatement.

"At mine? Are you sure you're talking about the right house?" I had to be sure he wasn't wrong.

He nodded eagerly, "Yeah, I am."

I raised my eyebrows and smiled. "Well, welcome to Buenos Aires then, Fede!" He returned my smile and I felt like I had made a new friend.

Before I could say anything, my eye caught Ludmila and Leon walk by. My face fell and I suddenly didn't feel so cheerful like before. My gaze fell to the ground and that probably help Federico understand that something was up.

"Hey, what happened?" He asked, raising my chin with his hand. I let out a breath, saddened, and bit my lip.

"It's just.. Ugh, it hurts." I rubbed my hand over my face and Federico took it away.

"Come here," He took me in his arms and I fell into them silently, wishing to be gone. I wanted to cry, "Don't worry, it'll be okay. It'll be okay."

From the corner of my eye I caught Leon looking at us and felt a smug feeling inside me. The reason that I was down was him, and now it felt good to see him like how I was just a minute ago.

His jaw slightly tensed but he tried not to show it, and I couldn't help the feeling of having the upper hand that was creeping up inside me.

I diverted my attention from him back to Federico, and pulled away. "Thank you, Fede. That was much needed."

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