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            “No, Coldkit, Leafkit!” Shadecloud shouted. “Don’t go in the medicine cat den!”

            The kits ignored her and continued in the direction of the medicine cat den. Shadecloud sighed and chased after them. “They are certainly troublemakers, but they’re also too cute to stay mad at them for long,” she muttered.

            The thorn bushes at the camp entrance trembled and the kits looked up as Groundsquirrel emerged with prey in his jaws. They forgot about exploring the medicine cat den. “Daddy!” they exclaimed as dashed over to him excitedly.

            Groundsquirrel dropped his prey on the fresh-kill pile. “My little warriors!” he purred affectionately. “Are you misbehaving again? Any more incidents like what you did to Dustpelt and Brackenfur in the elders den yesterday?”

            “No!” Leafkit and Coldkit declared in unison.

            “I would disagree,” Shadecloud commented. “They would’ve destroyed Woodpelt’s den if you hadn’t shown up.”

            Groundsquirrel frowned disapprovingly. “You two behave and listen to your mother if you want to be apprentices, okay? If you misbehave too much, Lionstar might delay your apprenticeship. It’s a wonder he hasn’t already!”

            “Yes, Daddy!” they responded cheerfully.

            Groundsquirrel didn’t seem to believe them, but he didn’t say anything else about it. “Why don’t you two take Dustpelt and Brackenfur some of that prey, apologize for putting thorns in their moss, and then ask for a story?” he suggested.

            “Okay!” the two kits raced over to the fresh-kill pile but as soon as their parents weren’t looking, they scampered away in the direction of the medicine cat den.

            “They’re annoying at times, but I love them anyways,” Shadecloud meowed to Groundsquirrel, unaware of Coldkit and Leafkit disappearing into Woodpelt’s den.

            “They could afford to learn some obedience though,” Groundsquirrel noted.

            “They’ll be apprentices soon enough,” she stated. “And next, they’ll be warriors!”

            “Once they’re apprentices, you’ll be out of the nursery and you’ll have to hunt with me again!” Groundsquirrel added.

            “You wish!” she exclaimed, playfully cuffing him lightly over the ear.

            A sudden screech came from the medicine cat den. “My supplies! NO! STOP IT!!!!”

            Shadecloud and Groundsquirrel exchanged a glance. “Oh, no,” Shadecloud muttered, as she walked towards the medicine cat den. “Here we go again…”

Warriors: The Unknown Threat Series Book #6: Howling WindWhere stories live. Discover now