Chapter 11: Bramblestar

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A/N: I'd just like to apologize for the sluggish updates recently. I've just been really busy with school work. (20 cheers for Winter Break!) So, yeah, I decided to give everyone a nice long chapter and i just wanted to say thanks for your patience and for reading/voting/commenting! :D 


            Bramblestar opened his eyes in Rowanstar’s den. No ShadowClan cats were in there, which seemed surprising to Bramblestar. He paws ached for some reason, and he wondered what ShadowClan had done to him while he was recovering from losing his eighth life. A sudden realization hit him. My eighth life…this is my last life.

            Rowanstar still hadn’t noticed that he was awake yet. Maybe I can make it out of the den and leave the camp without being noticed, Bramblestar thought.

            Bramblestar tried to rise to his feet, but something pulled him back onto the ground. He stared at his feet. Vines had been wrapped tightly around each of his forepaws and the other ends of the vines had large rocks placed on top of them. Rowanstar noticed, but hardly even looked up. “Noticing the bonds, are you?” the ShadowClan leader asked.

            “Do you have me chained up so that you can kill me easily whenever you feel like it?” Bramblestar snarled.

            Rowanstar snorted. “Of course not! We only have to kill you when you try to escape, or when we first capture you, of course.”

            “Well, what was the apprentice’s ‘special activity’ for then?” Bramblestar demanded.

            “Good training for the apprentices,” Rowanstar replied. “Their combat skills are weak! Six of them combined almost couldn’t defeat you. If you ask me, they need more battle training. If it wasn’t for Mudpaw…“

            Bramblestar hated how nonchalantly Rowanstar referred to his capture, or the three lives he had lost.

            “The brown tom who killed me?” Bramblestar asked, interrupting the ShadowClan leader.

            “Yeah,” Rowanstar answered.

            Bramblestar tried to rise again. The vines held him back again. “How are these possibly strong enough to restrain me?” he asked, not really expecting an answer.

            “Vines, as long as they’re not too thin, are very strong. Perfect for keeping prisoners from escaping. The vines won’t break, so all you have to do is put a rock on the other end to keep them from moving, and there you have it,” Rowanstar responded.

            “Why are you telling me this? If ThunderClan knows this, wouldn’t it be harmful to ShadowClan? We could capture some of your warriors and keep them as hostages,” Bramblestar meowed.

            “But ThunderClan won’t know this, because you won’t make it out of here. And if you try to escape, you’ll die. You only have so many lives, so it’s only a matter of time before you lose your final life,” Rowanstar replied.

            Bramblestar was relieved that Rowanstar didn’t know he was on his final life, but he was also concerned. What if Rowanstar killed him, assuming that he had more than one life remaining?

            “I won’t need to escape,” Bramblestar responded, trying to sound confident. “My Clan will rescue me.”

            “Yes, they’ll try,” Rowanstar agreed. “But we’ve already set the traps. They won’t make it far past the border.”

Warriors: The Unknown Threat Series Book #6: Howling WindWhere stories live. Discover now