The Escaping

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Running...Just running. It's a thing people do all the time. Run. I ran towards the woods and hid behind a couple trees every minute or so, making sure no one would see me. I used to think that not paying a bill was bad. Look at me now,running from four squat teams equipped with fully loaded machine guns. This is not what I signed up for,I thought. I heard the chaos from afar,fire covering the town as people screamed and ran for their lives. I couldn't go back though. I was already too far. What would going back change anyways? Just one more who would die.
After about thirty minutes of running and hiding, I sat down and took some breathers. I closed my eyes and sighed. I had just noticed that I was wearing my pajamas and that I left all the info about my parents, cousins, and I at the hotel. Oh no, I thought. Now they know the exact place where my parents are if the info wasn't disintegrated into small pieces. Every single feeling of happiness I had was completely gone now. It had dissolved from my brain like I never even had it. I laid in the grass,listening to the woods around me. Birds chirped in the trees and crickets sounded off down below. I listened to the wind as it slowly blew past the trees. I laid my back against a tree,taking deep breaths to calm myself down.A couple helicopters had been sent to find me,shining their bright light all over the forest. The sound of branches breaking filled the air.A cold chill ran down my back as I got up to peek around the tree. It was too dark to see anything. The only light that was supporting me was the helicopter, but I don't think it would be a good idea to yell at the helicopter and tell it to come over here, so I could see. After about a minute of silence, I sat back down on the crunchy cold grass. It must've been a bird or something,I thought.I closed my eyes,trying to rest. I was very exhausted from this day,my mind needing to clear itself and my body to sleep.This was the first time I had actually felt safe since earlier yesterday morning.So much had happened in the past few days and I needed a moment where my life wasn't be ruined. Footsteps came from behind me. I jolted my head around,looking for something I couldn't see. I heard squirrels as they jumped through the trees. I was scared...The woods didn't feel like a safe place anymore...I scanned the area,nothing around me. I was almost relaxed when I felt someone breathing on my neck. I turned around,almost screaming as a an arm grabbed my neck and a hand covered my mouth. I tried to rip out of their clutch, but it was too late. I slowly blacked out as I breathed the horrible gas that no one can escape. Chloroform.

I started to awake. I was lying on a white love seat. There was a fire place crackling and burning the red wood that must've been from the forest trees. A table with some tea cups and bread was in the middle of what looked to be a living room. The house was a log cabin and it was out in the forest. I looked out the window. It was still night time, but was almost time for dawn. An antique clock that was on the wall said it was almost 4:00 am in the morning. I heard something inside the kitchen. I got up slowly and looked around the corner. There was a man humming a song that I knew, but couldn't recognize at the moment. He was wearing some blue jeans that looked muddy and ripped a dark blue long sleeve shirt with some black gloves. In his hands was a knife. He was sharpening it and carving something out of wood. I couldn't see his face because he was turned around, but I didn't think I wanted to anyways. I turned around to go back to the living room, but instead slowly tip toed towards the back door. I grabbed the handle and started to turn it, hoping he wouldn't hear the noise. I pulled it towards the end, but it wouldn't open. He had locked it. I went towards the front door and pushed, but it was locked too. Was I really that dumb, thinking I would be able to just walk out the front door, I thought?I kept pushing down the handle, trying to open the door in a struggled. I wanted to just start banging my hands on it until it would broke off. I sighed,panting and sweating. I slowly tip toed to the hallway where multiple rooms were,their doors closed. The walls were pealing,the door knobs very rusted and dusty.The only good thing about this house was that the floors didn't creak. I opened the first door. Inside was a bathroom. The dim light that hung from the ceiling was flickering and the sink was dripping slowly out. There was a gray rug on the floor that looked like it used to be blue,but the color had faded from it long ago. The walls were a dull white and the floor was made out of white tile. The mirror was cracked and some of the pieces were laid in the sink. I could still see what my appearance was because of the shine from the moon in the small window, but I looked different. I could only see half of my face. Toilet paper was on the ground. The roll was completely rolled out and the toilet paper holder was broke,falling off. I looked at the window, thinking about how if it was just a little bigger; I would be able to get through. The cold night air blew through it and touched my skin, giving me goose bumps. I walked out of the room. I could still hear the humming in the kitchen of the man. I walked further down the hallway towards another room. It was a bedroom. It must be his, I thought. There was nothing really to see here. There was a slim wooden desk, a slinky black bed with faded out brownish pillows, a closet with one of the doors missing, and a window. I ran over to it,trying to push it open,but it was jammed tight. I went and sat on the bed. I was feeling so much despair right now. I looked at one of the pillows on the floor. I picked it up and saw stains of, not food or chemicals, but blood on it. I dropped it to the ground, and backed away from it. I went to the desk where I saw some papers on the floor and spread out on the desk. There were some old expired coupons,and a bunch of notes from a man named George Bennington. Who was that? Then I saw an envelope laying on the floor. It was addressed to ZC. Who was ZC? I then looked at who was sending him them. I dropped the envelope when I saw the name Henry West. I picked it back up,shocked that my grandpa was communicating with a man who had just kidnapped me...My parents told me not to trust him, but I didn't think he was actually working against me. I opened the envelope.

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