The Note

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Present time
I wanted so much to go back to that moment and change my mind. I wish so much that I had forgotten about Hedge Wood Crossing, and went to bed instead, saying it was a rough day. My parents may have still been here. They may have survived,but they didn't. I don't know how I survived. We were in the lake right beside an abandoned old bridge. How anyone could have possibly saved me was unknown, unless my dad did, but I would've never knew that back then. It was now obvious that he would've had to. My parents had lied to me my whole life from day one. My name wasn't even Charlie. It was:

Name:Jonathan West,
Birth Date: August 9th,1991
Residence at the time:Wyoming
Caretakers:Henry and Mary West until two and a half. They were then banned by child's parents,forbidden to ever see them again for classified reasons.

That's why I didn't remember them, I thought. My parents had never told me a single word.

All cousins of Sam and Debra West have been terminated, a fire supposedly set off by the third cousin Andrew Malik, who was supposedly working for the nemesis.
People killed in the fire were: Stacy hazellight, Peter hazellight, Luke Courtez, Jennifer stawesy, and Margaret Courtez.

I flipped through the pages for hours searching every possible answer I could discover. Under every person, there was a code or number. My cousins all had them. 305, 306, 307. What did they mean? I grabbed ahold of a picture of my parents and cousins. They were all in some kind of workshop.There was high tech computer equipment on each desk,everyone dressed in white smocks as they stood around the room. It the middle of the room laid a huge computer screen,showing images of coordinates and people's mug shots. Was this some kind of future police station? It look like they were working on some kind of project. My parents were standing together,leaning on one of the computer desks,messing around with information. The picture was taken far back and in the middle facing the huge middle screen. People worked on each side,all of them frantically working. I took another picture out of the pile,looking comparing it to the other one. It was group picture,everyone standing around each other,smiling and posing for the camera. I set the pictures down,searching through the multiple papers and taking out the ones with picture and descriptions of people. Every paper was describing one of the people in the picture. All my cousins were in the group photo,arm to arm. My parents were in the front row,holding a long banner out that said A.O.H on it. What did that mean? I looked through the rows,finding Andrew Malik who had been blamed for the fire. I grabbed the paper that had his description,his position in life now unknown.How could someone do that? Kill everyone in their life? Everyone related by blood that as been there by his side since the beginning?I went back to the group picture,then finding another face in the group picture that looked familiar. It was the man from the gas station that night. The night I lost my parents. He stood right beside my parents,his face lively and full of happiness.He looked so young and free...What did my parents do to him?This must've been taken a years before my parents had me, I thought, because I could see that my mom wasn't even wearing a wedding ring. Also I could tell it was old because some of the people were still using type writers. What were they doing and why were they working all together? There's those secrets where you sooner or later discover them in ways you never thought you would, but then there's those secrets that just aren't meant to be found out. This was one of those secrets. This is the past. I'm in the future and sometimes it's better to forget than remember. I dropped the old dusty papers onto the ground. I sighed for a second and then noticed something that I hadn't noticed before. The last thing left inside the briefcase was an envelope addressed only for my eyes...from my parents. It had my name written on the front of it in cursive handwriting. I looked at the date,shocked as the it had been written seven years ago.Smiling as my eyes started to water,the tears that rolled down my face. They weren't regular tears though.They were warm, but cold at the same. They came out slowly and gracefully.I knew these special tears in the back of my mind.It felt like the last day I saw my dad. The kind where you feel like death is hunting you down, but at the same time, you feel like god is giving you a second chance at life to make it right. They weren't parents had survived. Why didn't they come back for me though...I opened the envelope and started to read what I had been looking for this whole lifetime. Proof my parents were not gone, but among the living somewhere.

Dear Jonathon,
                       If you are reading this note, it means you have found what we have hidden and you know now that we never died,and are still here today.We are dearly sorry. We did it to keep you safe...You may not even think of us as family anymore, but we love you and we hope you can forgive us for our sins.We did some horrible things and it led to something we never thought it would come to.... As you know,you are the only person in our generation that is still remaining. By this time,you have probably found your grandpa.Were sorry to admit this,but your grandma was with you since the day you were born,living as your maid,and taking care of you when we couldn't be there...We knew your grandpa would come for you when he heard about us, but don't trust him...You can't trust anyone. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you are a target and there are people right now searching around the world for you. We changed our first and last names so they couldn't track us,but you are a West and that's never going to change. They may not have found you yet, but their coming and they will destroy anyone that gets in their way....We love you and want to see you. We have moved to Portland, Oregon on the street 1216 tulip main. Please put the past away and come see us.Also,burn these files after your done reading them.We can't have any evidence pointing towards us..were the last of the West family. We love you dearly...
                                                                                                             Your beloved parents

I set the note on the bed and laid down, curled up in a ball all alone. I was tired of thinking. I finally knew my parents were in hiding, I knew now they were alive, and where they were. Why wasn't I happy though? I got up from the bed and went to the balcony. I stared down at the town,looking down as people walked on the sidewalks and the sounds of store bells ringed as people went inside.There was a nice breeze,everything so calm. I closed my eyes,taking a deep breath and turning to go inside. I stopped when I heard the sound of multiple cars driving into the town. I walked back to the balcony,watching as multiple black vans swerved through the streets,stopping in front of the hotel.
Men in black suits and dark shades got out the vehicles. The leader pointed towards the hotel,all of them walking inside in a group. The manger came out of the building,walking up to the man.
"What are you doing!My guests are not comfortable with this!",The manager complained.
"Calm down sir. We're just doing a procedure. One of your guests aren't who you think they are.",He said,his voice deep and instructive.
"I don't care who's in my hotel! I have been doing this business for eight long years and our ruining it! Get out get out get o-",The man yelled,unable to finishing his sentence as the man in black grabbed his throat and picked him up.
"You've pushed my patience...I don't like people that push my patience.",He said angrily,squeezing the man's throat and snapping it to the side. People started to scream,running around the town in chaos.
"Shut up!",he said,pulling out a gun and shooting it in random directions.
I turned my head toward my hotel room door as footsteps ran up the stairs.
"Open this door!",The man on the other side said,banging on the door as hard as he could. I turned back to the balcony,glancing to the side at the extending metal ladder.
"I'm giving you to the count of three! Open this door!", He yelled. I had to make my decision now... The man had stopped counting and everything was quiet,except for the screaming and shooting outside. I walked over to the door,putting my ear up to it to listen for something.The sound of a C-4 beeped on the outside.
Crap!,I thought as I ran towards the ladder and jumped,the bomb blowing up and my room catching fire behind me...

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