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I went to the trunk of the taxi and pulled out my luggage,setting it on the ground. I then paid the driver his change and watched as he drove away into the town. It had been many years since I've even gone in the same state as this place. Nothing had changed accept for the land. There were now lots of buildings below. There was from what I could see a hospital, candy store,restaurant, super market, and lots of houses out in the distance. There were buildings everywhere you looked, but nothing in this world was even close to this house. Every single place was at least three miles in the distance. I was the first one in years to even step close. Ever since my parent's "death", no one has stepped into this house. The word of their death spread faster than water. After about two days, half of the state knew. The legend is that bad luck follows whoever goes near this house. The only reason that was made is because we live on a Cliffside and a teenager that was probably playing around came up here one night and fell off the side. I stood there, looking at the house and thought about what it used be like here. I started to walk up to the door. The house used to be a nice baby blue with white wood surrounding the windows. The grass was a beautiful green and flowers of all different colors bloomed everywhere. The sun was always shining on the black slim roof, and dark blue spread across the sky. The air was so moist and calm and wind never blew. I looked around and saw that death had filled the air. The grass was brown and dry, all dead. Also,the paint on the house was now peeling away, and the color had turned into a color which made you want to hurl when you looked at it. The air was now a thick fog and you couldn't even see the sky. Everything was dead and cold. The only thing that stayed the same was the wind. It was still. When I got up to the door, I tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. It must've been jammed. I sighed for a moment and then went to the backyard to see if the other door was unlocked. I walked through the grass hearing it crumble every step I took. When I was in the backyard, I was about to go inside, but then I saw something that I recognized. It was my old swing set. The metal bars were rusted completely and one of the swings was torn off of its hinges. I thought about how I used to swing with Zach when I was little. We would swing all day,laughing while doing cool tricks on them. I used to talk to Zach a couple years ago. We would send letters to each other because we liked old fashion. He said he was working as an engineer and that it was amazing. He also told me his dad past away a couple years ago,and his mom won't leave the house. He said that she had short term memory and would wake up calling him about his dad, asking where he was. I felt sad for Zach. Everything came so easy for me,accept for when I lost my parents. I haven't talk to him in a while, but I hope he's okay. I turned to go to the back door. The back door was locked and I didn't have the key. I couldn't believe I was doing this. Its my house. Why am I getting mad that there's no key. I looked at the window above the lock and slammed my arm into it. Then I put my hand inside and unlocked the door. Its not like anyone's going to hear me, I thought. I walked inside the house and looked around at the walls and floors. There was no light except the windows and everything was torn up. The carpet was missing on certain parts of the floors and the curtains on the windows were falling off. Paint was fading off the walls, and the floor creaked every step I took. Most of the things that were left were still in the same place, but some things were broken on the floor.I could hear squeaks in the walls, and maggots were coming out from the sinks and pipes. I looked around and tried to picture what it used to look like, but it was too hard. I walked through the kitchen and into the living room. All that was left was a couch that was forgotten, and a fireplace. I went to the stairs in the house and walked up to the next floor. The wood on the stairs and the first floor was chipped. I got on the second floor and looked around at the rooms. I opened the one to my bedroom and remembered how much fun it was in here. I remembered playing games with action figures and a race car set that I got on my sixth birthday. I used to play on my bed and pretend I was superman and jump off to the ground. I also remembered the drawings I would make,and how I would post them in every spot on my walls. I loved this place until I remembered when the doctor said that my parents were in a better place,and I thought he meant they were somewhere on a business trip. I sat by my window and waited for weeks to see them, but they never came. I never believed that they were actually gone. I had denied it for so long,but I had to let go. I couldn't stand in this room anymore because of the memories. I walked out,almost in tears thinking of my parents and what happened. I wondered if I was going. If going to heaven was nothing but my imagination. I walked to their room,going inside and looking at everything. I couldn't go into this room when I departed this house,because it hurt too much to know they weren't coming back.Seeing their stuff would've just hurt me more. I didn't know where to start. Boxes laid everywhere on the floor. I was about to get one of the boxes on the floor,listening as the house made a very loud noise. It's just an old house, I thought. They do that all the time. I ran to the first box I saw. I ripped it open and searched through it. I couldn't find anything but some old bills and a couple expired coupons. I sighed and went to the next one, but still nothing. Then I went to the next and the next and the next... and I couldn't find anything. After looking through the last box, I thought it was hopeless. I was never going to find this. I started to whimper and look around the room, and then I saw something sticking out of the wall beneath the wallpaper. I stood up and walked over to look at the sight. I grabbed the wallpaper and pulled it back. A piece of cardboard covered a large hole in the wall, something stuck behind it.I pulled the cardboard,but it come off.I stood up and went downstairs to the kitchen,getting an old kitchen knife from one of the drawers. I didn't want to get a hammer,because whatever was in there could be fragile. I went back upstairs put the knife over the cardboard, starting to cut the wall open. I was halfway there,and finally I could see something through the hole. It was so exhilarating that, I set the knife down and ripped the wall off with my bare hands. It actually felt good. I looked at the item in the hole and grinned at what I saw. Inside was a black suitcase. I pulled it out and it looked like it was news. There wasn't even a slight piece of dust on it. I tried to open it,but sighed when I saw a four digit code lock for each of the notches. What would the could it be? What would my parents use for a code? I looked at the numbers, putting in random codes to get it to unlock. After many tries, threw the case across the room,laying on the ground. The house creaked again,the noise echoing off the walls.I sat up,running over to the suitcase. I looked at the numbers. It wasn't a name or place. It was a date! I moved the numbers to my birthday and the notches snapped open. I opened the suitcase, staring at the multiple documents with codes and images of people I had never seen before. I flipped through them,stopping at one that had on the top my name. The house started to shake like it was having a mini earthquake. I dropped the papers on the ground,launching my body forward to grab them all. I slid them back into the suitcase,closing it to keep it secure.The ground stopped shaking,but I stopped moving,a little frightened by what had just happened. I slowly got up,grabbing the case and starting to leave when all the sudden the house started to slant,and I fell to the ground,dropping the case. This house had been here for years and It was becoming unstable right when I come. I guess some legends are true. I got back up as fast as I could and tried to grab the case but tumbled again as the house moved once more. This time I didn't even bother to get up. I grabbed the case and crawled until I was out of the room. I got up and started to run. I started to freak out when the house started to split apart downstairs. I dash to the stairs but tripped on one of the boxes that I threw earlier when I was angry. I fell on my face and screamed as I let go of the case and saw it go straight towards a whole in the floor downstairs.
"No!!",I yelled as the suitcase kept sliding,sighing as the house moved and it was hung on the edge by the handle. I gasped for air and ran towards it. After I grabbed it in the last seconds it had, I dashed straight towards the door. I was about to make it but then I turned to see the couch heading straight towards me. I through the case out the door and got down on the floor just in time to miss what would've been a horrifying death. The floor started to move backward fast,and I slid away from the door into the whole in the floor. There was almost no hope as I grabbed onto the end of floor and held on tight. I wasn't strong enough. I pushed, but couldn't get out. I closed my eyes and was about to let go, but then I felt someone grabbing my hand. It was an old man. He was wearing a worn out jacket,blue jeans,and had a big beard. He started to pull me up,and I finally grabbed the floor. I got a little ways from the whole and turned around to get a closer look at him.
"Thank you...",I said with relief.
He smiled,about to say you're welcome,but I watched as the fireplace ripped off its hinges,coming towards him.Almost slamming him hard into the wall on the side of the house,he jumped to get away from it, but he wasn't fast enough. The fireplace slammed right into his leg and I could hear it crack as the bone pushed out of its socket.He fell to the cold hard ground,screaming in excruciating pain as he laid there unable to move. I looked at him just lying there.
"Help me! Please help me! Ahhh!",he said,his voice full of suffering. He slowly started to pass out,his breathing getting quieter and quieter every second. I panicked,running to him and grabbed his hand. The house was now breaking off completely,and I didn't have much time. I picked him up and ran across the room, throwing him out the entrance onto the ground, and jumping just in time. I grabbed ahold of the edge of the remaining cliff and turned around, watching the house fall completely off the side. I pushed myself up,grabbing the case and making sure everything was okay. I looked back over the cliff at the torn up pile of mess. There was no coming home now, I thought. I took some breaths and then remembered the man that was lying on the ground. I searched in my pocket for my cellphone, but it must've fallen out. Maybe the legend is right, I thought. Maybe bad luck does follow whoever comes to this house. I dashed to the body and was about to pick it up, but then I saw something sticking out of his pocket. It was his wallet. I called nine one one,flipping through the inside of the man's wallet as it rung.
"911. What is your emergency?",The lady on the other line asked.
"Hi umm,I have a man here! He just saved my life,but he got hurt pretty bad! I need someone to come get him!I looked at his credit cards, coupons, money, and many other normal things you would see in a wallet.
"Do you know who that man is sir?",She asked.
I flipped to his driver's license sticking out in the back. The letters were smeared, but not so bad that I couldn't read it. I squinted my eyes my eyes as much as I could,pausing in shock as I read the name.
"Henry Weston."

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