The Return

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My eyes were open so wide when I woke up. I was acting like a maniac. My vision was blurred and pain was surging through my body every second. I couldn't see anything but gray dark walls. I felt them and they were made out of metal. I couldn't move around,because it was so tight. Where was I, and where are my clothes? Oh no. This couldn't be happening. Was I in the morgue? I started to shake, almost having a seizure, and couldn't breathe for a couple seconds. I started screaming and banging on the walls as hard as I could. "Help!, I said, Somebody release me from this box!" I banged and banged repeatedly until I heard footsteps coming toward me.
"Oh my god! This can't be! How are you still alive!",The nurse asked impatiently. I pushed him out of the way, grabbing some hospital garments off the counter and running out of the room. I ran through the hallways,everyone looking at me like I belonged in a mental hospital. If they only knew the real story of what just happened. I ran outside,looking in every direction. People were staring at me as I saw blues and greens and reds,my eyes still adjusting from being in the dark I don't know how long.I heard some noises behind me,and I saw images that looked like people,but I couldn't tell. They were coming right at me,and I started to run but I kept falling and stumbling over and over again. I finally fell and crawled but wasn't fast enough. They all grabbed me,and I struggled, moving side to side. I tried to get out of their clutch, but It was all over when they injected me in the neck with a tranquilizer.They picked me up and put me on a stretcher .I watched as they took me to a certain room,and I slowly became lifeless until I was completely asleep.

When I finally started to awake, I looked around and noticed my vision was back. I could see I was in a bed in the hospital and it was morning. The sun was shining in my room right on my eyes and I had to turn the other way. I would've got up and closed the blinds, but my legs were still worn out and kind of numb. I looked at the time on the clock in the corner of the room.It was ten o'clock. I saw a TV in the middle of the wall right in front of me,grabbing the remote on the table right beside me. I turned on the TV and looked at the screen. It was March six. I had been in the hospital for at least a day before awaking. I couldn't believe it. It felt like only an hour or two but it wasn't even close to that. I still couldn't believe I died. How long was I dead? I looked at the TV and saw the boy and his parents that I saved. They were still talking about how I saved them from the fierce fire burning in their house. They also talked about how they did a drug and lie detector test on the dad and finding out that he was drunk and abusive husband. He was going to go to rehab and then jail for his penalty. The son and his mom have nowhere to stay,because they didn't have any family remaining around and the woman was a stay at home mother. They say their conditions are really bad, but it will get better. I smiled at the screen for a second and then laid down in peace with my thoughts. I couldn't stop thinking about my parents,and how my whole life had been forged into something so unrealistic. Everything I thought I knew was nothing but a lie. Were my parents actually travelers or were their stories made up? Was everyone in my life acting out a part so I wouldn't know the truth? Am I even their son? Are they even my parents? Am I even myself or was I made to be something I'm not?Was my life planned to be this way? Who am I? I had so many questions, I couldn't sit here anymore. It was time to start putting the puzzles back together. It was time to go back to where it all started...Home.

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