"Meet me by my locker after school?" Palmer asked as we stopped in front of my math class. I nodded, smiling as he handed me my books back.

"See you then." He pecked my lips and ran off to his own class. I smiled at my kind, caring boyfriend, cough, unlike some people, and walked in to class, which I just so happen to share with Chase.

"New seats today!" The teacher boomed. Fuckity fuck fuck. I better not sit next to Chase because then we will have to work with each other.

"Matthews, seat 21" my teacher announced, pulling me out of my thoughts. I sat down in my seat that was numbered '21' on the back of my chair and prayed as the teacher opened her mouth.

"Gardey, seat 22." Thank the Moon Goddess! The teacher continued until it was the row behind me. A girl with dark hair and dark skin sat next to me, and I gave her a warm smile.

"Dawn, seat 31." Fuck, he's right behind me. I flipped my hair behind my shoulder as I felt his presence behind me. I didn't dare look back at him.

The teacher finished naming students and handed us a papers to pass back to start working on. I turned, knowing it was the perfect moment and met eyes with Chase. I smirked at him and faced forward again after handing him the rest of the stack, brushing his hand with mine. Gotcha.

I made my way to my locker after math so that I could get packed and leave this hell they call 'school'. I opened my locker and spotted a black box. Aw, Palmer how cute! I'll thank him once I meet him at his locker.

I slid the top of the box off and set it on the poker shelf. I took the note out and set the box down and read.

Stop playing with our hearts, my dear Cassandra.

I looked up and looked behind me. Just normal students walking out of the building or packing their bag at their locker. I looked back at the box and searched inside with my eyebrows furrowed, seeing a black and white picture.

It was of me and Chase talking before my date. Who took this? Who is playing a trick on me?

"Hey." I jumped at the voice, jamming the box shut once I saw who it was.

"You were taking awhile so I just came here." Palmer smiled and leaned against the locker next to mine.

"Sorry, I just needed to ask my teacher a question and it took awhile." I lied. He nodded as I put some binders and books in my bag.

Was I being stalked? No, I wasn't popular enough, it was just a silly prank.

"You look stressed." Palmer announced.

"Thanks for telling me I looked like shit, but I already know that." I said sarcastically.

"You know what I mean."

"Yeah, it's just school work. I'm fine. Adults lived with it, so why can't I?" He swung his arm around my waist as we started walking.

"You're right. I know you were tough, but not sassy." I laughed at his joke.

"Then you didn't know all of me yet. Now you do."

"I can't hang out after school, my mom needs me to babysit my little sister." Palmer announced.

I squeezed his cheeks. Note to self: he doesn't like when I squeeze his cheeks.

"Aw, wittle Palmer needs to babysit his wittle sister." I pouted at him as he scowled back. I giggled and let go of his cheeks which were now red from pinching and strutted away to my car. Well, until I was grabbed by the waist from behind and spun back towards a mischievous grinning Palmer. I narrowed my eyes at him in fake anger.

"Let me go!" I said dramatically. His grin disappeared and he enveloped me in another make out session.

There was a cleared throat behind Palmer, so we pulled back and looked at Chase who had his arms crossed.

"Hey dude." Palmer nodded his head up as some boy thing they do when they greet each other. Chase glared daggers at a clueless Palmer.

"I need to ask Cassandra a question on our calculous homework." Chase's stare shifted back to me, then Palmer.

"Sure," Palmer turned back to me and pecked my lips. "See you tomorrow, k?" I nodded smiling and he left to his car. I turned back to Chase who was clenching everything that was possible.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He snarled, and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Finding happiness. Something you obviously are not going to give me. Is there something wrong?" I asked extremely sassy right now with arms crossed and hip popped out. Get 'em Cassy!

"Do you think I'm fine with this?" Chase asked taking a step towards me. I looked him up and down.

"Why wouldn't you be?"

"Because werewolves are never okay seeing," he motioned his finger between me and Palmer's long gone car. "that happen in front of them when it should happen with themselves." He finished. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay smart guy, do you think I give a fuck about werewolf needs? I give a fuck about love, not what we were destined to be. And this isn't destiny. Our destiny has been screwed since the beginning thanks to you. So stop blaming me for your own fucking mistakes." I turned and stormed out before being yanked back by my wrist.

The electricity-like shocks sent shivers through my body where our skin touched.

"Does this mean nothing?" He whispered furious through gritted teeth, still gripping my wrist. I gasped at him from being so close.

"Get away from me." I demanded, not really wanting that. Chase's eyes darkened.

"Never." He whispered barley audible before leaving me lost. What had just happened?

I shook it off and got in my car, driving home.


The way she looked when she saw the box in her locker. Hopeful and happy with this gift, until she read the note.

She looked scared, lost, confused.

She can't play with our hearts. It's rude, but I love it. I crave her more than anything, and I'm most certain she is my mate, but she didn't see it before, or at least didn't show any sign.

I will do anything to get these boys off her tail. She's mine, and I know it.

I feel it.

And she will too.


Creepy Shiz.. what does Chase mean by never? Who sent her that box? 🤔

Song// My Gun by Tove Lo

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