"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. I smirked and ran my finger along his jaw. 

"Yes." I answered then enveloped him in another kiss. Except I wanted those words to come from Chase. And at that thought my heart ached, so I kissed Palmer harder.

"So he just asked you out like that?" Mandy cleared. I nodded, pleased with my success. I liked Palmer, but a piece of me knew that he shouldn't be a part of my game. But it was something that kept me happy, something Chase didn't do. 

There was a ding in the silenced air from the main hall that broke me out of my thoughts. I couldn't back out now because I knew it was affecting Chase already, and he doesn't even know we're together now. It's fast, I know, but I needed it to be that way.

"Drew's coming over, is that okay?" She asked. 

"Yeah, sure." Ameth answered running a hand through her hair. 

"Good because he's already in the driveway." She giggled and hopped off the couch to the door. She swung the door open and jumped in Drew's arms. They do this about every time they see each other even if it's just been a couple hours. It's adorable actually. I wish Chase did that to me. Cut it out Cassandra.

Before I knew it Mandy was already sitting on top of Drew who was also on the couch. 

"Can we hear about how he asked you?" Mandy asked. My eyes went wide as I shook my head. Not with Chase's best friend in the room. 

"It's okay if I hear." Drew said in a sarcastic high pitched girl voice. I rolled my eyes.

"You'll just tell Chase, and that won't help anything." I answered. 

"Why would I tell Chase? What does he have to do with it?" Drew asked completely serious. My face went white as I held my breath. 

"He- he didn't tell you?" Ameth asked surprised as much as me. 

"Tell me what?" Drew asked looking back and forth between all of us. 

"I'm Chase's mate." I announced. His jaw dropped as silence held in the thin air.

"So that's why he was getting so pissy when Hunter kept looking at you the other day." He chuckled in amusement at the memory. I noticed Ameth hold her breath.

"He was... jealous?" I asked. 

"Oh he sure was." Drew chuckled more. I moved my teeth over my bottom lip deep in thought. So he was already weak for me? That I should've known, but already bad?

Just end it now. Go after Chase. 

I shut my wolf out of my head. I can't end it. I need to know for sure. This isn't enough to drive him crazy over me. I already know he can, and I know he will. I just need more to show through.

"He'll find out before I even get the chance to tell him." Drew's voice brought me back out of my daze. I nodded slow, still recalling my thoughts. 

"We should get you to bed. You don't want to be sleeping when you're supposed to be testing tomorrow." Ameth announced standing and walking over to me. I looked up at her confused. She just gave me the 'don't question just go with it' look. I took her hand to help me up and followed her up the stairs. 

"I'll be back down in a minute." Ameth told Mandy. 

Once my room door was shut I turned to face Ameth. 

"What was that for? I'm not tired!" I defended crossing my arms. 

"I could see the hurt in your eyes. Mandy couldn't see it since her mate is distracting her and Drew is a boy so he doesn't know, but I saw it. I know you need to break down." Ameth explained. I took a deep breath and huffed.

"I'm fine." I said. She narrowed her eyes at me and have me a look.

"Really, I can handle this." I continued. She smiled and hugged me. 

"I knew you were strong. We'll make a show for him tomorrow with your new bf, Palmer. He's a good choice to make someone jealous by the way." She smiled and walked backwards to the door.

"Wanna come back down? We can just say period excuse or something." She asked. I shook my head. 

"I should actually get some sleep. Big day tomorrow." I smirked and winked at her. She nodded and returned the smirk. 

"Gotcha. See 'ya in the morning." She closed the door and I plopped on my bed. 

Why did these feelings make me want to kill somebody? 


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