"Ora, is a good choice." I said.

"What? No, someone else maybe....." He looked at me hopefully.

"Ora, it is then." I said, turning to contact her.

"Awesome choice." I heard Raya yell form next to. I walked back into the base to contact Ora. About twenty minutes later, I was showing her around.

"Well this is going to be interesting." She said.

"Yeah, well I saw talking to Blade and he mentioned you so I thought why not. You skilled, smart..." Then I stopped.

"Thank you." She said.

"Well I actually have to go talk to Redblood about something. So bye see you around."

"Of course." She said, turning and walking the other way. Whew, I thought to myself.

"Redblood you said you wanted to see me after I got a replacement for Mistya." I said.

"Yes, but who did you get?" He asked.

"Ora." I replied.

"Perfect choice and as I said before, I would like to see what these Clones are capable of." He said.

"So your saying test them?" I asked.

"Yes and his would be a perfect thing for Ora to do." He said.

"I'll get her on it right away." I said. I gave a bow and left the room, it didn't take me long to find Ora. I just had to follow the sound of Blade begging for mercy

"Ora. Come one Redblood has something for you to do.....decides  tormenting Blade." I said.

"Alright then." She said walking out of the room.

"Blade, give me a sign that your alive." I said, turning to Blade who was laying flat on the floor, face first.

"Mmmefhsjalkajsj." I heard him mumbled.

"Alright then." I said turning and followed Ora down the hall.

"So what is Redblood having me do?" She asked putting her hand on her hip.

"Sort of a test, you know about the three clones here. Well he wants to see how they work under our special  circumstances."

"With me or with out." She asked.

"The decision is up to you, but please keep them alive and with all there limbs and internal organs." I replied.

"Ok then, I'll take care of it." She said. She turned and walked down the hall. God! She's beautiful, I thought as I turned away to see if I can get a few minutes of sleep without being interrupted.

Echo's P.O.V

The door to our cell opened and a very tall woman walked in. She had long light blonde hair and a very light blue eyes.

"Come on all of you get up." She said. We didn't know what to do, she just rolled her eyes.

"NOW!" She shouted. Then all of us stood up, Shatter stood them stumbled a little. He was limping, and walking somewhat slowly. She just waved her hand downwards, Shatter stopped and then looked down at his ankle.

"I numbed it, since I can't have you losing any limbs." She said, the three of us just looked at each other clueless. She lead us down a hallway and up a few flights of stairs. I saw Blade walking twords taking with Raya. When he saw this girl he ran very fast the other way screaming something in a different language.

"Ora, I have no clue what you did to him or are doing but keep it up." Said Raya laughing.

"Honestly, I'm not sure myself, I'm just being myself." She said.

"Well keep it up, well I better go get him to make sure he doesn't hurt himself; we'll ketchup later." Raya said.

"Most definitely." She replied. When she noticed all are confused faces she said "Bad guys can have lives and friends too."

Then she walked us to a door, opened it and pushed us in the pitch black room. "My suggest: Run as fast as possible." She said closing the door.

"What did that mean?" Asked Waxler. Just as he finished speaking these words the lights flew on. Then there was rumbling coming form one of the walls and it fell down reviling a huge black dog with three heads.

"Now I see what she meant." Said Waxler.

"My life has gone form weird to insane." Shatter said.

"Ideas? Anyone?" I asked as the beast move forwards us.

"Yes, I have one. Run and don't get eaten." Said Shatter.

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