One oh Four

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When Tessa mentioned finding John I didn't believe her, now here he was in the flesh.

Maybe not though.

"Sorry John." I said before throwing some holy water on him and he blinked slowly. "Did you honestly think I was a demon?" "I learned to always be careful." I replied, sitting forward in the front passenger seat, he gave me a small nod. "Smart of you."

I pulled out my phone and called Dean. "Hey, so just wanted to let you know, we have a kinda maybe huge surprise waiting for you and Sam, maybe even Bella and the boys." I heard him laugh, "Alright, just get home safely." "Love you, see you later." I replied hanging up, and John looked at the two of us. "I can't believe the boys settled down." "Settled down my butt." Tessa said, pulling out of the driveway and we headed out.

"There was quite a bit of drama over these past couple of weeks." I admitted, putting it mildly, and John raised an eyebrow. Then I turned and looked at him. "If you're somehow alive again, which is outrageous even for us, why haven't you stopped by and seen the your sons?"

He sighed, his wrinkles being extremely pronounced. "Actually, I wanted to talk to Bobby, when I heard that he died I needed some time." Tessa looked in the rear view mirror. "And you weren't worried about them at all?" "If Bobby bit the dust how was to know that they hadn't either?" he asked, raising an eyebrow and he didn't stop. "And don't you dare tell me that I could ask hunters, because if I told them who I was or if anybody recognized me that would be even worse."

tessa kept driving but I could almost hear her confused thoughts running around her head and I looked at him. "If you wouldn't mind, did you come back?" "I don't know. I felt tired...then when I woke up I was here." He replied, crossing his arms.

Something big was going on, and it killed me not knowing what it was.

Eventually we got back to Tessa's house where I stepped out, "You know, this is a big surprise don't you think we should-" "Stop overthinking things Kylie, they'll be fine." Tessa said easily, walking out and climbing up the few steps to the front porch.

John stood next to me. "What will they say?" "Probably along the lines of 'What the hell...?' or 'I'm so glad you aren't dead!'." I guessed, as I followed Tessa.

Inside of the living room I could hear her say, "So...are you ready?" "Would you just tell us what it is already?" Sam asked laughing and Tessa walked out into the hall, giving me a small nod.

Sam and Dean walked out, and stopped dead in their tracks.

"We've already checked for the usual, he's the real deal." I explained, seeing them go for their knives, and Dean stared at his father dumbfounded. "But how...?" "Believe me, son, I've been asking myself the same question." he said, his stone face softening from diamond to wood.

Sam took a step back. "This is impossible. I saw youdead. I saw your ghost. Sure we've seen dead people but dead people don't come back." he walked away and I could see the hurt in his father's eyes. Tessa glanced at me once and I made the shooing motion for her to go after her husband.

The wrinkles around John's eyes seemed more pronounced and he sighed at Dean. "I guess you're thinking the same thing Dean." "You wouldn't believe me if I told you I wasn't." he retorted, crossing his arms.

Well, I suppose this could have gone better...or worse...

"I'm sorry." I told John quietly and he waved his hand. "Those boys are stubborn, like your friend mentioned, Sam and I have never been on the best of terms so it'll be even more hard for him to believe in...this."

He walked past Dean to the living room and looked around, lost in sad memories.

"This is what I hoped for Mary and I...a nice house, a good family." he closed his eyes, then looked at Dean. "This is Sam's house?" "Yeah." Dean replied gruffly, standing in the doorway and John nodded. "This is the life he always wanted. We dragged him back into it though didn't we?" "You did, you made us grow up that way and never could be normal like Sammy was because of it." Dean said, his anger rising and I walked over.

"Please, don't fight, this isn't what Tessa or I wanted." I said, and John exhaled deeply. "This always happens when we're together. Sam and I even fought before I died. Just an average day in the Winchester family."

He walked past the two of us and turned back to me. "I should go, I don't even know why I came along, the boys never change." there was a hint of nostalgia in his voice and he laughed. "Take care of them." he pulled a piece of paper and handed it to me. "Call if things get really bad."


After he closed the front door Dean looked at the ground. "I can't believe it. This-" "It's happening Dean, I'm confused too, but come on! If that wasn't your father or at least not even close to what you described him to me as then I don't know who is!" I said, my voice getting louder with every word and he looked at me surprised.

"See, you can't tell me." I said, raising an eyebrow and he sighed. "How do women always argue the best?" I shrugged, "We know what the right thing to say is, when to say it."

Tessa came back in with her hand rubbing her temples. "You two should probably leave, Sam...isn't handling it well." "I'm so sorry Tessa." I said, and she shook her head. "It isn't your fault."

With that we left.

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