Chapter One - Reworked

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 Hey guys, I've decided to give this one a reworking.

It was my first story on Wattpad and got me my first votes, "fans" as they were then and comment. But it's not as good as it could be, so please welcome, our new chapter one.


Hazel stood, her arms folded over her chest gripping her bag as she watched the marauders mess about in the hallway. She bit her cheek as she tried to ignore him- Them. They were immature and annoying; even worse they brought Remus down to their level.

"Come on Haze." He laughed, seeing her standing alone. "Don't look so glum."

"I'm not glum." She stated, turning to look up at him and seeing how tired he was. "Are you okay Remus?"

"I'm fine." He smiled, pulling her hair lightly. "You know they look after me."

"God knows how." She grunted, as he laughed. "You go and play with the little boys Remus; I'm fine to wait by myself."

"I don't like leaving you alone." He sighed, looking around hopefully for someone else.

"They swarm about you like bees."

"It's only Padfoot you can't stand." He laughed, leaning against the wall beside her.


"Sorry I forgot; Peter creeps you out and James is almost as bad as Sirius but not because he only wants Lily." He reeled off, ticking each from their fingers. "Seriously why do you hate my friends?"

"But I like you!" she laughed, unintentionally grabbing his attention.

He walked over grinning; Hazel locked her jaw and narrowed her eyes. "Hello Gardiner, care to share the joke?"

"You wouldn't get it." She sighed shrugging. "It'd go straight over your head."

"Oh that almost hurt Gardiner; it is that time of the month already?" he sneered. "You do look rather haggard."

"Go fuck yourself Black." She snapped, jerking forwards only for Remus to grab her shoulder and tuck her securely under his arm. "Remus; he'd deserve it."

"And ruin your perfect record?" Remus asked, glaring between them. "Seriously you two do my head in."

"At it again are they?" James asked, his glasses slightly wonky. "I think they need to kiss and make up."

"Good one Prongs." Peter tittered, mimicking Sirius' stance as he joined the circle. "Hello Gardiner."

"Ugh." She groaned as Remus flicking her arm. "Hello Peter... to be fair he is the only one who acknowledged me."

"I did." Remus stated, "I said Come on Haze."

"Charming as always Moony." James grinned. "What are you mardy about Gardiner."

"You're invading my peace." She stated as Remus suppressed laughter, she turned on him instantly. "You brought them here! I said leave me alone!"

"Always so hostile Gardiner." Sirius sighed, tutting at her.

"Are the boys bothering you Miss Gardiner?" Professor Hodgekiss asked as she drifted down the corridor.

"Yes." She exclaimed, "I just want to get into the lesson, can I go and sit inside by myself?"

"If you want to of course." She laughed, pushing the door open and wandering to her own classroom further down the hall.

"Come on Haze, don't be like that." Remus sighed as she pushed between Sirius and James as they laughed. "We were just playing."

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