Chapter Ten - New

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Hogwarts had finished in a blur, since their trip to Hogsmeade Sirius had been there to block any of the bitchy comments, even replying a few times when he was in the mood. The two of them had settled into a strange, comfortable relationship. Sometimes Hazel wanted it to be more, but she was too scared to push it.

She’d rather have him there than not at all, and to push it would ruin it. So she just smiled and let everything pass, just giving them all a wave as she left them at the train station for the summer. Now though, Remus had coerced her and Lily into a trip to the Potters… she’d never known they were so close.

Hazel walked up towards the cute cottage, it was cute but it was also massive. The thatched roof curled over the upper windows, shielding them from the bright sunlight that was beaming down from above. Lily gasped from beside her and Hazel laughed, she knew Lily came from the city and this was something from a story.

“Only Potter would live here.” She laughed looking up at Remus who nodded. “Go and knock then; they know who you are.”

“Oh they’ll know who Lily is too.” Remus laughed as she blushed bright red. “Only have to introduce you Haze.”

“Great.” She muttered feeling embarrassed already. “Come on, safety in numbers.”

Remus knocked on the door and took a step back, a few moments passed and it opened to show an older woman, her hair was completely grey but her smile gave her away. “Remus!” she smiled, throwing her arms open and hugging him. “How are you darling, looking after yourself?”

“Yes Thank you Mrs Potter.” He smiled, hugging her back. “I don’t know if James mentioned, I’ve got some friends with me.”

“Are you kidding?” she sighed, rolling her eyes. “He’s not shut up about Lily coming over; though I wasn’t supposed to say that. It’s lovely to meet you dear.”

Hazel watched as Lily was pulled forwards and into a hug too. “Nice to meet you too.”

“And who are you?”

“Hazel.” She smiled, sticking her hand out only for it to be grabbed as she was pulled into a hug.

“The one Sirius got stuck to!” she smiled, kissing her cheek. “I’ve heard a lot about you too; foul mouth was mentioned quite a lot.”

“Not in polite company I promise.” She laughed, feeling her cheeks burn.

“Don’t apologise.” She laughed, leading Hazel into the house before Lily and Remus. “I think he quite liked it.”

“Sirius?” she asked with a laugh. “I think he wanted to kill me after the first hour.”

Inside the house Hazel found herself looking all around at the curiosities around them, there were brooms from the early 19th Century, there were portraits snoring in corners and books on shelves everywhere.

“What a lovely home you have Mrs Potter.” Lily said as they paused in the kitchen. “I always wondered what kind of place James grew up in.”

“Is it much different to a muggle house?” She asked with honest interest as Hazel sent Remus a smirk.

“It makes my house look plain and boring.” She laughed, “I mean my mother likes art, but they just sit still.”

“They do like to remind me of things.” Mrs Potter grinned, “Why don’t you and Remus go outside while Hazel helps me with the lemonade.”

Hazel smiled, suddenly nervous at being alone with Mrs Potter as Lily and Remus escaped. Putting on a bright smile she turned. “What can I do?”

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