Team Edward or team Jacob, duh.

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"Tell me what's wrong." My mom says the minute we are both in the car. I can feel her intense gaze on me so I turn my head and look out the window. "Everyone hates me. I'm a fat ugly baby." I mumble. A tear rolls down my cheek. My mom pulls her car over and I open my eyes to see that we are at an ice cream shop. "You aren't fat. You aren't ugly. I don't hate you. Why do you let them get to you?" My mom says to me. I turn to look at her, her eyes full of worry. "I don't know." I whisper. "Hey, hey stop. Look at me. I love you. You are beautiful and thin. You never eat. You're starving yourself to meet their expectations, you need to stop this. I love you so, so much honey. Don't let them get to you. Their words mean nothing." My mom hugs me tight. "No I'm not. I am ugly. I am fat. You're the only person in the entire universe that loves me. Everyone else hates my guts, and I don't even know why!" I cry into her shoulder. "How long has this been going on?" My mom asks sternly. "Since 8th grade." I whisper. "You're telling me that you've been bullied since your last year of middle school and it's almost your last year of high school?!" My mom flips. I nod. Pain crosses over her fury filled eyes. "Why haven't you told me?" She asks sadly. I thought you'd send me away mom, I thought it'd make you hate me too. "I don't know." I lie. "Okay, how about we get some ice cream and go home? We can watch Netflix and just relax. Does that sound good?" My mom asks me. "Yea, that sounds great, actually." I tell her. We go inside and I order a cookie dough cone drenched in chocolate syrup and my mom gets a vanilla cone covered from top to bottom in sprinkles. When we get home I take a hot shower and change into a T-shirt that's around 5 sizes too big and some sweats. I meet my mom in the front room and eat my ice cream while she turns Netflix on. Ha, think about this - a 17 year old eating ice cream and watching Netflix with her mom, what're the odds. "Okay what do you want to watch?" My mom asks, snapping me back into reality. "Hmm... How about twilight?" I ask, more to myself that to her, but she nods and turns it on. "Team Carlisle!!" She cheats, wriggling her eyebrows. "Ew mom, and no, either you're team Edward or team Jacob, duh." I say in my best fangirly voice, witch makes us both burst into fits of laughter. "Fine!" My mother huffs as if she's a teenage girl. "I'll go team Edward... Just for Carlisle." She giggles. I roll my eyes and repeat what I said last time. "Team Edward, for Edward only, or team Jacob, for Jacob only. Duh, get it right mother."I tease and we both laugh again.

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