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Chris's POV

When Dan knocked me off of him with his elbow he immediately took off down the hallway. I had to stop him before he found Pj and ruined everything. I followed his lead and started to run until Phil grabbed me by the arm and swung me in the opposite direction. He was stronger than he looked.

I gave him a death glare. He got the message because he made a break for it through the kitchen. I decided to run after.

When running, Phil slightly slipped.While he was off balance I grabbed his black hair and slammed his head into the countertop harshly. I didn't need him messing anything up, atleast he would be out for a while.

I sprinted down the hallway and into the guest bedroom. Through the doorway I saw Dan staring down at Pj, looking horrified. He turned around and saw me.

"What the fuck, Chris? What'd you do to him?" His voice cracked.

"Nothing, I did nothing," I sighed.

"Obviously not, he's fucking handcuffed to your bed!" Dan cried motioning towards the love of my life. "Is he even alive!?"

"Well, yeah. I wouldn't kill him. I'm in love with him!" I blurted out.

Dan did a double take,"You love him?"

Before I could respond Pj's eyes started to flicker open.

While Dan was distracted I grabbed him and held his arms from behind.

"Dan?" Pj said weerily.

Dan tried to shake me off, but I had a tight grip.

"Pj!" Dan cried.

Pj tried to pull his hands out of the cuffs. Red rings were forming around where the handcuffs laid.

"I can't-Chris, let him go!"

I snickered in response and violently pulled Dan back to the living room. He wasn't coming easily though. His attempts at slamming me into the hallway walls were a failure.

"Where's Phil?" Dan huffed as he was actually cooperating.

"You'll see soon enough," I whispered.

I opened the basement door and pushed him down the dark stairwell. I heard him hit the stairs, but I think he caught himself before falling the whole way down.

Next. I went into the kitchen, grabbee Phil's limp body and threw him over my shoulder. I carried him down the stairs, which was difficult since he was a few inches taller than me. Panting, I tossed Phil onto Dan. They both looked dead, just laying there together. It was cute in a way...peaceful.

Silently I walked back up the stairs and shut the door. Of course I locked it and I put an extra heavy duty lock on just for good measure.

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