Chapter 8

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Hey, new chapter obviously. Thanks again to everybody that's following along. Sorry that the previous chapter was so boring. And you probably noticed that I added 'A Dystopian Society' to the title. That is with much thanks to VieHeart, for giving me the great add on. :) well, here we go!

A friend told me this was her favorite out of all the stories I've been working on and I'm really grateful for that comment. And therefore am gonna dedicate this chapter to by bestest friend xCatherine, for giving me her opinions and editing all my work before it's uploaded to public. Thanks xCatherine!!

Obviously the story isn't on hold anymore and I'll try to upload more often. Thanks for everything. I absolutely loove you all to death!


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Chapter 8: Lucas.

We pass the Warm Rooms again as Stefan starts to begin the “tour”. I am pushing the raft as Lass looks around in awe, clearly in a much better mood before. My grip tightens at the thought of it being because she treated him. Does she hate me? Does she like him? I wonder but quickly disperse my thoughts. There is no way I would know unless I asked her and I have no intention to do so.

“The Mess Hall is located on your right,” he says nasally. I am amused by the sound of his voice although Lass becomes extremely upset about the violence that has occurred. It is my fault, at that.

He directs me to the room, motioning to follow. While pushing the heavy raft, of course. We head down the corridor and I turn, going into a long room. Tables and chairs – mostly overturned – and very, very messy. I sigh. This is not a good sight to see; so embarrassing. Clearly people are not doing their job. Other rooms off to the side lead to the kitchen is what Stefan is explaining, while Lass intently listens, not uttering a single word like me. There lay a large fruit bowl on one of the tables and Stefan harshly asks her what fruit she wanted.

“Pear, please,” Lass timidly whispers. Stefan grabs a nicer-looking one and throws the green pear at her, not asking me, no doubt assuming that I have already eaten although I have not.

“Moving along, we'll show you the Cotton Tree Room, better known as the CTR. That's to our third left...” Stefan starts. As I intently gaze at Lass, surprised by the similarities, she has to her

(Short chapter...sorry >x<).---------------------------------------------------------------

Weeeelllll? What do you think about Stefan? And Lucas? <3 <3

Anyway, I'll continue this story more often that I have been. Thanks for all the loyal readers and all I've got to say is READ ON!!

XOXO With Lotsa Love,

     ~rain-kissed_midnight <3

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