Chapter 5

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Hey, so sorry about the delay - had a lot going on but now I'm definitely ready to work again. *smiles* Thanks for following me this far if you have - I really appreciate it. Comment, vote, and fan! Let me know how I can make it better. Thanks, and without further delay.... Say hello to Lassie, Lucas, and Stefan! Here we go!


Again, new version; sorry bout formatting. Enjoy.

Chapter 5: Lassie.

We walked out of what I would like to consider my 'hotel suite', with me trailing closely behind Stefan. He abruptly stops and I almost run into him. Almost. He turns around and speaks in a dull, yet husky voice.

"These rooms are called the Warm Rooms, for obvious reasons. They're warm. You woke up to the cold and damp - which is the way nearly everywhere is. The Warm Rooms is one of the only places in Abscond that can give you heat and only VIP can get in. " he  states.

"So does that mean that I'm that important of a person?" I ask, almost sweetly. He shrugs, his eyes flickering to me and then to the Warm Rooms' hallway.

"Maybe. Not exactly sure. But you are the only girl that is here."

"Okay," I say, nodding in agreement. Stefan then leads me out of the hallway and out close to the musky water. I suddenly stop, carefully eyeing the dark, ice cold, and menacing water. I hear him sigh. He brings his hand over a lantern and it lights up beautifully.

"Come on, already, Lassie."

"But the water-" I start.

"Is something you'll have to deal with sooner or later." he finishes. I gulp and he sighs again. He grabs a raft; the same raft that I rode on the day before and silently helps me up onto it.

"Thanks- I mean, thank you." I say, "Why were you trying to make me walk, rather than ride this before?"

"Because, I have to be the one to push you." he says straightforwardly.

"Oh…" I trail off.

"But I'm sure we can find the loser who's probably doing nothing at the moment. He can push you." Stefan says, smirking.

"Who exactly?" I ask, my forehead scrunched in confusion. I only knew the names of three people: Lucas, Stefan, and Jonah. They were not losers. At least, I did not think so. There is a long pause, as he stares at me, considering whether to answer or not.

"Lucas Moorson. Who else?" he replies shrewdly. 

"He's not a loser," I say adamantly.

"Who said you had a say anyway, Lassie? I mean, you're a girl," he mutters.

"Do I?" a familiar voice growls. I turn to see who was speaking, in surprise to see a clenched fist collide with Stefan's face.

Is it obvious who it is? Sorry for it being so short though...Stay tuned :)




With lots of love,

          ~rain-kissed_midnight <3

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