Chapter 1

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Heya! This is the new Chapter 1! Please enjoy ;) And let me know how it can get evvvven better!


(and possible fan!) XOXO


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Chapter 1: Lucas.

“Do you need help, Lass?” I ask her, noticing straight off that she is uncertain about the water.

“No, I'm fine,” she says stubbornly, as she uses her toe to touch the surface of the water again. “It's cold,” she mutters while rubbing her small feet, trying to get the blood circulation going.

“I can carry you,” I comment, secretly wishing that she would let me. She refuses and shakes here head “no” and puts both of her feet quickly in the water, gasping. I suck my breath in after figuring out that I had forgotten to tell her that the floor was quite slippery. She stands up but squeals as she loses her balance and falls in the water, now drenched in the slick liquid.

“Cold!” she squeaks as she gracefully attempts to get back on her feet, failing horrible. The guys around notice and start to blatantly laugh along with me as I start snickering at the helpless female. She hatefully glares at me with her now icy blue eyes, making me freeze and stare at her for a moment. She whips around, face bright red but that small, short moment when she glares at me reminds me of her.

Lucas!” she calls out to me. I see her beautiful maroon colored hair, surrounding her in waves. Her dark, distinct, emerald green eyes urging me forward, daring me to take another step closer, after betraying her. “I hate you, you know!” she shrieks, balancing herself at the edge of the railway.

I can explain! Don't do anything you'll regret,” I call out to her, not taking a step closer but deathly afraid of her and her safety.

Shut up! You know nothing about regret, Lucas! Or you would never have done what you did,” she sobs, tears openly streaming down her face. “I risked everything for you. My family, my life, my money! Anything to get you and look how you repay me!”

No, pleas, no! If only you'll listen! It was a misunderstanding. You won't jump, you won't. I won't allow it!” I demand, fully aware of what she was about to do. She smiles sadly at me.

I truly loved you, Lucas. Goodbye,” she says softly as she flings herself over the rail, jumping off the four-story building. Luckily, I am closer to her than she thinks I am. I run as fast as I can, jumping over the rail as well and grabbing the rail with my right hand and clutching her arm with the other.

She looks at me in surprise with so much vehemence and hatred in her gorgeous eyes with a hint of relief that I cared enough to stop her. I pull with all the strength that I have to get her over the rails, silently glad that I worked out my arms from football. She desperately fumbles through the Chanel purse she had dropped to the side to get her cell phone to call for help, her suicidal thoughts slowly and gradually dissipating. The pain I had caused her finally allows me to see that maybe it was time for me to go.

Lucas! Don't let go!” she pleads, clasping her hands on mine. I smile and look at her, with happiness for knowing this person. For loving her so much.

If only this could prove the innocence I had merely asked for before,” I tell her, my grip on the rails weakening. She reaches out to grab my hand, refusing to let go.

Sometimes, you have to let go of those that mean most.”

Lucas! I'll hate you for the rest of my life if you let go!” she continuously screams. But I know that there is no way that she could ever hate me, nor could I ever hate her.

Then I guess you'll have to,” I softly speak, “I love you.” I let go of the rail and untangle myself from her hands.

No!” she screams and screams and screams, in her beautiful lyrical voice.

Everything seems like slow motion, as I remember all my times being with her, my family, my life. I am satisfied. I saved my love, after all.

Lucas, I'll never forgive you, even if you are in hell,” she sobs uncontrollably.

So like her to say something that forceful, even when I am falling. But I do not think I will be going to hell. I feel like I will be needed somewhere else. Goodbye, Lyssa, is my last thought...and then I feel the thud. And everything turns black.

“Hey, are you okay?” she asks me, actually concerned for my well being.

“Huh?” I stupidly say.

“I said 'are you okay?'” she tells me.

“Yeah, I'm fine,” I say in a high-pitched voice, imitating her. She scowls again and I shake my head, all thoughts of my past life gone. I slowly trudge toward her.

“I'll carry you,” I say, reaching to pick her up but she swats my hand away.

“Just lead the way,” she grumbles as she peeks at me with her hateful baby-blue eyes. I shrug and turn around quickly, hiding my face to keep it from showing how hurt I really was from her reaction. She just reminded me too much of that woman. I start to go toward the High Hall when she runs up to me and clutches the back of my shirt which really was tattered rags. I suddenly jolt to a stop, stunned by what she chose to do after refusing me.

“Go on,” she urges me. I do. I walk past all of the other guys, noticing their envious looks at the beautiful girl walking behind me. The only girl in Abscond at that, clutching my shirt. I humbly walk up to the Chamber Room. The Chamber Room's doors were extremely high, ranging from an estimate of twenty to thirty feet high. Smaller doors for the average person were created as well. I carefully knock on the door, using the tip of my knuckle so that the perfect knock is done for permission to enter. Yeah, Abscond's got weird rules. The door groans as it creaks on its hinges, allowing us entry.

I slowly walk in, with Lass trailing close behind. The Chamber Room is a very large, capacious room with a large round table in the very middle of the room. Seats for thirteen people sit around it and the table has a large hole in the middle, obviously meant for interrogating those that have broken our laws.

“Go on,” I mutter, imitating her once again to annoy her as she looks at me with her wary, frightened eyes. I smile to try and ease her but she rolls her eyes and crawls under the table through the water. She elegantly gets up and stands in the middle, shivering from the cold and the stares. With her teeth chattering, she looks from person to person.

“Are you hungry, miss?” Stefan asks her. She helplessly nods. He smiles and says, “Lucas, why don't you give her some food and a platform,” his eyes glint mischievously. I glower at him and slowly nod, feeling like a butler, turning back to look at the gorgeous girl I call 'Lass'. Watching her hold herself, shivering. Her luscious, tousled, maroon colored hair, falling in curly ringlets around her pale face. Her gorgeous cerulean eyes, showing naked fear. I slowly sigh, silently cursing Stefan for making me seem stupid in front of her by putting me in my lower place, as I softy shut the door behind me to get what he asked me to. What she wished to have...

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