Chapter 3

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Again, formatting might be a bit strange but...ya know, it's still the story. New version is here ;) Enjoy.


Chapter 3: Lucas.

By the time I leave Lass’s room, I am seething with anger toward Jonah and Stefan. Jonah, for making the decision and Stefan for getting the part. As I walk with Jonah down the hallway, I clench my hands into fists, trying to calm down. There was no particular reason as to why I was this aggravated. It must have mostly been because she just reminded me too much of her. Just jealousy coursing through me. If only I were part of the council. If only I were second in command, I think. Of course, everybody would want to be with her. She is a female, after all, who is surrounded by horny, testosterone-filled guys. 

I am exhausted as I part with Jonah without saying any words and go to my room. I am considered lucky because I have a room of my own. I am considered extra lucky because I have a Neuter room. It is nowhere close to the Warm rooms, however and is extremely damp and dark. Cold. I shiver, even though I am already used to the cold, naturally envious of Lass, who gets to live in a wondrously warm room.

I get under the covers and quietly wish that my days would end, as I quickly fall asleep.

Her hair glistens in the moonlight as she sits beside me. She is turned away from me but I automatically know that it is her. The moon is full and shining, the stars glittering brightly above us.

"If only time could stop right now," she whispers. I nod in agreement. "Away from civilization. Just you and me."

I smile, and think that I can make that happen, but with our differences, we both know that it is impossible. Although there is a long silence between us, it is not awkward at all. The serenity of the mood is not restrained and it is wonderful.

"I risked everything to be with you, Lucas. I’m so glad that it has all paid off." She turns to me and smiles.

But I am frozen, looking at her eyes. They are not the ivy green that I had missed so much. 

They are baby-blue.

I jolt out of my bed, gasping. Glad that it was merely a dream, I sigh with relief. I look at the hour glass on my bed stand and see that there is no sand left to seep through the hole. I sigh again, still tired, but get up, rummaging through my dresses for cleaner clothes. With no job to do at this time, I wander around Abscond, and decide to spy on Stefan and Lass. I smirk and silently congratulate myself and go, in search of the two…

annnnnd....I hope you enjoyed ;)

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