Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner for the "Most stupid Question of the century" award.

"The guy got stabbed trying to warn me that a serial killer was going to kill me!" I say frustrated at how calm he is about the whole "Shane almost died" situation.

"No one told him to." Lucas says with a shrug.

"Just shut up and drive!" I tell him as I give him the coldest glare I can manage, and decide to ignore him...for the rest of my life!

We make our way inside the hospital and as which room he's currently in. We are met by a nurse who tells us his condition is getting better, and he'll be out as soon as possible.

I open the door, and make my way in. Lucas grabs my hand, and I just freeze.

"What in the name of hell do you think you're doing?" I ask him.

"I don't want you to feel alone." He says.

Oh please!! Give me a break! Now he cares about me!? Oh, bit just that! He thinks I have loneliness problems!

I remove my hand from his in any way but gently.

"Just spare me the trouble and stay outside or go home. I can take care of myself." I enter the room, and close the door behind me.

He's speaking on the phone, but I am greeted by the widest smile ever as he tells whoever is speaking to him to call him later.

He tries to sit up straight and manages easily.

"Judging by the fact that you sat up straight without even wincing tells me that you're feeling better." I say as I sit at the edge of the bed.

"I'll be out tomorrow morning" Shane says, the smile never fading away. As if hasn't almost been stabbed to death.

"Now that we've gotten the sentimental part out if the way....WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!?" I say as a laugh escapes his lips.

"No Shane, I'm serious!" I continue," If you had just sticked to the plan, all this wouldn't have happened!"

"Yeah, but if I had stuck to the plan, you would've been the one in the hospital not me. And I couldn't ever let that happen." his eyes are deep with genuine concern as he cups my cheek with his hand.

His fingers feel so warm against my skin, and I'm trying my best not to forget why I'm here, and it's clearly not working.

"I just came to make sure you're okay, and make sure you know how stupid you are," I say as I get up.

"Yup, noted! I'm really stupid, got it." He says as we both laugh.

"Well, see you at work," I say as I wave goodbye and he returns it with a smile.

I make my way out, and of course Lucas is still waiting outside for me.

"Is he okay?" He says. Looks like he ran out of poison to drench all over his words every time he speaks!

I ignore him as I make my way back to the car, and I feel him trying to keep up with my pace.

The way home is quiet. Well, Lucas tries to talk to me a few times, but stops after realizing I'm not gonna be speaking to him anytime soon.

We reach my house, and I race to my bed after Bud greets me with a huge lick. I just flop on my bed, and fall asleep directly, as if not a care in the world.
I wake up to continuous knocks on the door, and my cell phone going crazy. 25 missed calls from "the douchebag" aka Lucas. I check the time, and I see its 2:15 a.m.

One Fateful Night(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now