Chapter 4

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***Scarlett's POV :***

I woke up in a dark room, I couldn't really analyze my surroundings because of the dark, but this was not my room. I'm sleeping on something soft like a bed.

I try sitting up but there is a weight pulling me down, I look to find an arm draped across my waist. That is how my freak out started...

My first reaction was screaming on top of my lungs, which resulted in the man next to me jolting awake. I did the only reasonable thing I could do, since I couldn't seem to recognize this man or remember what happened the previous night... I tackled him. I threw him to the ground, now straddling him, and started throwing punch after punch.

At the third punch, this man finally caught my wrist and before I could harm him again he said: "What is wrong with you? Calm down. I'll explain everything."
So eventually I did.. I calmed down.

After treating his wounds, which I'm pretty proud of if I'm being honest here, he came back into the room and turned the lights on.

It didn't really make a difference, with light or without, this room was black all of it. There is a closet, the king sized bed I'm currently sitting on, and another closet with a lock.

"Are you gonna continue staring at me, or are you gonna explain." I say getting impatient.
"We met at the bar last night, I took an intrest in you and started following you around."
As he says this I remember our little act of rebellion and meeting mystery man.
"You're probably gonna start getting your memory soon, so this is really pointless."

I start remembering everything up until the cops reached, everything is a bit hazy after that. So I voice my thoughts and apparently that's what he was hoping to avoid.

"Don't freak out. I drugged you so you could come with me. I had no other choice, you could've be-" I interrupt him with a startled scream.

"You did what?! How dare you?!" I reach and slap his face hard. He winces in pain and while he's distracted I storm out the door.

I run down a flight of stairs, when I reach the bottom I look around and find myself staring at around 50 pairs of eyes, to my great convenience they were all large bulky men (note the sarcasm).

"Why the hell am I here? Who are you people? Are you some kind of crazy psycopaths. You know what all of you make room or face the consequences." I gave them all my best glare trying to look intimidating, but I could tell by the amused looks on their faces, I was failing....miserably.

I make my way through them, and the one man who tried to stop me, got a knee in his family jewels, so they all learned their lesson.

I twist the door knob and as I am about to bolt, a sickening thought occurs to me.... they could have Jasmine too.

I turn around to find mystery man running down the stairs.
"Well it sure took you long enough."I say
"You may not speak to me with that tone, go back up to the room or face the repercussions." He said in a menacing voice.
"What crawled up your ass?" I couldn't understand why he was acting this way.

Suddenly with three strides, he grips my arm with so much strength, I could tell bruises will form. He leans close to my ear and whispers:" You're surrounded. If i were you, I wouldn't do anything crazy, or you'll get yourself killed." Just as the words registered in my head I paled and started walking with him.

"I thought we could do this the easy way, I guess I was wrong." he said as soon as we reached the room.
"It's a relief I like doing things the hard way isn't it?" I say rubbing my arm where bruises begin to form.

Then I remembered why I didn't run.
"JASMINE?! What did you do to her you son of a..." he cut off my little rant by a word that sent my rage into overdrive
"Who?" Blinded by rage, I quickly swung my leg into the back of his knees making him fall to the ground. I tried kicking at his ribs but he dodged the blow.

After half an hour of bickering and me trying to hurt mystery man, I found myself in a chair my hands tied, my legs tied, my mouth covered with tape.

Apparently mystery man doesn't know I had a friend with me at the bar and he never saw her. Sad to say I actually believed him... maybe it was to give myself some peace of mind.

I can't remember how long it has been since mystery man left me, about an hour maybe. I found myself thinking about Jasmine, if she was worried about me. My overprotective parents probably going crazy thinking about their reputation, and how little I did in life other than follow the rules.

Finally sometime later, mystery man came in with a tray of food. He took off my tape rather harshly and said: "Eat."
Obviously I didn't, I refuse to listen to him or answer him until I get my freedom, at least from this chair.

"You know I don't have time for you, I have better things to do."
"Starve to death then, see if I care."
...... with one last look he slammed the door shut.
****4 hours later****
"What the fuck is wrong with you, you're acting like a statue. Eat already."
"What will it take for you to eat?"
"Answers." Obviously he looked surprised by my answer or the fact that I actually answered, but curiosity was eating me alive. "Honest answers."

"Why am I here?"
"The cops saw you with me, they'll interrogate you and force the answers out of you, we can't have that now can we?" I decide to keep calm until I get all my questions answered.
"Why do the cops want you?"
"Reasons.." I didn't answer for at least 5 minutes, until he decided to speak again.
"Okay, since you're already held captive here I don't see why I have to keep it from you." I scowl at him, to get him to clarify.
"I'm the gang leader of the strongest gang in California." I try my best to keep my face blank, so he can take me a bit seriously.
"You could make up a better lie, I expected more from you.." I say
"Then how do you explain all the men down ? How do you explain this.." he goes to the closet with a lock and opens it , showing many... many... weapons.

"I promise I won't say anything, you can't ruin my life because of this, I have school in 2 weeks, my friends,family... are you that inconsiderate and selfish." I say and for a second I see his green eyes flash with regret, but it's gone as soon as it comes.
"Yes, I am, my gang is more important to me than your life." I try to ignore the pain in my heart knowing I'm not getting out of this... but I won't give up, I have my future ahead of me, I won't let this "gang" crush what I worked so hard for.

As he reaches the door, I realize I forgot a very important piece of information.
"Wait!" I yell
"What?!" he says clearly irritated.
"What's your name?" I smile sheepishly.
He looks at me with amusement dancing in his light green orbs. He turns around to leave, but I manage to hear him mutter "Daniel..."
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